by new light 48 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Mysterious

    The watchtower study. Not only was it always boring but I'd already studied the crap at home. Plus then I was expected to try and answer.

  • Evesapple

    I have to agree any meeting I felt compelled to comment at was my least favorite. Book study was a smaller group so they took note more on how often you commented, and if you were a pioneer, you'd better have a lot of answers. The biggest yawner though was the Thursday night, theocratic school/service meeting...such a waste of time. It was so hard to have to get homework done and be prepared for the meeting at the same time....way too much pressure.

    I'm just thankful the nightmare is over.

  • dustyb

    i personally can't stand the watchtower meetings because there's so much that i can comment on, but it would get me kicked out of the kingdom hall.....

  • bikerchic

    LOL @ onacruse:

    Committee meetings.

    Honey you is baaaaaaad!

    The meeting I hated was Book Study. We had it at our house for years and I spent all day cleaning for it and the kids that attended took 10 minutes afterward to trash it. Not to mention what the kids would do in our bathrooms......I used to wonder if their parents tanked them up on water all day long, I mean really one family's 3 kids musta never peed at home and saved it all up to do at our house.

    Then we went through a phase of having deserts afterwards, kids sweets and soda's, parents beer, wine and salty things.....revenge is sweet!

    I hated going to the KH, I just wanted to stay home in my nice cozy warm house on those cold blistery nights, curl up in front of the fireplace and read a good book or watch TV. It took forever to bundle up 5 kids and treak to the KH where they would fight sleep, me too. Boring, boring, boring......got to where I would color in my personal coloring book (whatever mag/book we were using) along with the kids. I loved colored highlight pens. LOL

    Did anyone ever use the Watchtower for secret coded messages? I did, I used to circle words and letters that described how rediculous some of the people came across. I'm baaaaaaad!


    It didn't really matter to me what I commented on or how completely I understood it -- just so I got it over with.

    I used to give some off the wall comment that had nothing to do with the subject just to see if anyone was paying attention, the fact that I continually got called on for answers told me even the conductor wasn't paying attention. LOL


  • blondie

    Public Talk because it was the unknown factor and then it was followed by another hour still.

    Bad speakers, boring topics. I can remember when it was an hour long.


  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    I hated the field service meeting. What a waste of time, it was like a organized locker room prep talk. Days text, offer of the month, the sleepy eyes, morning breath, it all really sucked, Then when yu were warm and ready to go back to sleep the meeting was over an it was time to go out in the cold!

  • Carmel

    The Sunday public talk that was a real-to-real tape recording of some bloke talking in a monotone for a full hour! Time for counting the squares in th e ceiling.....again!


  • Thirdson

    Definitely the Watchtower Study. The Service Meeting was a close second but the variety of speakers at least added something. The Ministry school was bearable. Some student talks were painful, some exciting as you willed the speaker through it. Public talks were OK as long as it wasn't a local elder giving one of his pet talks for the umpteenth time.

    The Watchtower study was terrible. Read the paragraph, ask a question, re-read a section of the paragraph. At the end ask 3 of the same questions again and re-read the same answers from a paragraph somewhere. What was worse, nobody could ever keep on time. 70 minutes of utter drivel.


  • Puternut

    Written review was the most boring. Can you imagine being a new visitor, and this is your first meeting? And there is nothing happening? BOOOORRRIINNNGGG


  • slenderdog

    They were all so bad, it's hard to choose one. But the WT study would have to be the worst. Painstakingly poring over the precious pablum regurgitated by our Bethelite brothers sent me into paroxysms of wondering what was for lunch, or what sister so & so would be like in bed (Jehovah forgive me)!

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