by new light 48 Replies latest jw experiences

  • new light
    new light

    It's so hard to choose, but I would have to say the theocratic ministry school was my most hated meeting. The first few talks were a rephrasing of mind-numbing society doctrine. Then it was time to listen to a ten-year old read NWT to us........... #3 talks, don't even get me started! The #4 was the highlight for me. Time to wake up and get ready to stand (if I'm able) and sing a sawng of praise. Yay.

    It was a well planned program, because without the song-n-stretch no one would make it through the announcements awake. I'll have to search for it, but someone has a whole service meeting (with multi-page letter from Bethel!!!!!) audio for download. If you haven't been to a meeting for a while, it's an amazing experience. It's hard to believe you actually sat through this stifling boredom, some of us for years!

    I'd love to hear what your least favorite meetings are/were, and why.

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    I hated the Sunday public talks, because that was 1 continuous hour of lousy public speaking, when I could have been watching football. At least the TMS was broken up, and we had a lot of #4 impromptus, which gave me the chance to practice my public speaking.

  • simplesally

    School and Service meeting.......It would amaze me what some people would do......and the Overseer who loved to ring that bell.

  • gitasatsangha

    Service meeting.. snooze... snoooze. The worst meetings of all were any meeting when the CO was in down.

  • Huxley

    Wasn't it amazing though how quickly they could zip through the tms info when the co visited?

    When the abbreviated meeting took place, it seemed even longer because the CO always had that damn final talk.

    I swear I would rather go to a promotional pep talk about aluminum siding than go to another lame-o meeting.


  • kat2u

    thursday nites were too late and booooring.

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    I have to admit, those #3 "set-piece" skits the sisters have to do were pretty painful.

    My favorite was one time that the talk was taking way too long, and the bell rang, right in the middle of a section that there was no graceful way to end quickly - the elderly sister playing householder jumped up and said "Oh! My pie is burning!" and ran off the stage.

    We all like to died laughing.

  • joenobody

    I hated the Service Meeting. You would get some brothers who would blow past the suggested "18 minutes" on some of the longer talks. Also I hated the locals needs right after someone was d/fed or reproved when they were coming down hard on whatever had happened recently in the congregtion.

  • MorpheuzX

    I dreaded all the meetings where we felt compelled to comment: the book study, the TMS, the Watchtower Study. I remember feeling like I had to comment at least once per meeting or I wouldn't be considered in good standing. It didn't really matter to me what I commented on or how completely I understood it -- just so I got it over with.

    But I guess If I had to pick the very worst, it was the book study. My bookstudy was half way across town from where I lived, even though there were two closer to me. And I despised the elder who conducted it. He'd always make me read whatever book we were studying. And getting answers from the flock was just awful, like pulling teeth.

    I remember several occasions when that particular elder flipped out on the members in attendance for not having prepared answers and I'd just be sitting up there on the stage next to him, hoping it'd be over soon.

  • onacruse

    Committee meetings.

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