Join my Union punk rock band...

by Huxley 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • heathen

    Wow that's way cool . I never had groupies before . If you are women of age you are welcome to come party with us . I'll be the naked guy doing vox and some guitar playin . lol

  • joannadandy

    I can send along my groupie Resume...

    Name: Joanna, or Sugar Nips McTavish

    Location: The back of the short bus

    Position desired: (CENSORED TO KEEP THE FORUM CLEAN) Let's just say groupie for now.

    Previous experience:

    • Toted and broke down of my brother-in-law's band
    • Created posters and sold demo tapes at shows for a friends band in high school
    • Dated a drummer
    • Dated a guitar player
    • Toted and broke down for both...
    • Always attened po-dunk bars within a 100 mile radius
    • Always hooted, got drunk, danced, and encouraged others to do the same
    • Provided really good (CENSORED)

    What makes me special:

    • I can fling panties like there is no tomorrow
    • I am dedicated to flashing and firmly believe it is a lost art form
    • I have no problem getting it on in a bus, mini-van, or even datsun
    • I look good in black eyeshadow and with spikey hair
    • Plaid is my favorite color

    Do I get the job?

  • heathen

    joanne --- LMAO . Must enjoy giving and receiving spankings . I think we have a winner . ohhhhh yes and must enjoy 3 somes with other women .

  • bikerchic

    LMAO @ Jo:

    I can send along my groupie Resume...

    Name: Joanna, or Sugar Nips McTavish

    Location: The back of the short bus

    Position desired: (CENSORED TO KEEP THE FORUM CLEAN) Let's just say groupie for now.

    Previous experience:

    • Toted and broke down of my brother-in-law's band
    • Created posters and sold demo tapes at shows for a friends band in high school
    • Dated a drummer
    • Dated a guitar player
    • Toted and broke down for both...
    • Always attened po-dunk bars within a 100 mile radius
    • Always hooted, got drunk, danced, and encouraged others to do the same
    • Provided really good (CENSORED)

    What makes me special:

    • I can fling panties like there is no tomorrow
    • I am dedicated to flashing and firmly believe it is a lost art form
    • I have no problem getting it on in a bus, mini-van, or even datsun
    • I look good in black eyeshadow and with spikey hair
    • Plaid is my favorite color

    Do I get the job?

    And I adopted you and your twin sista eyegirl...............

    What was I thinking!

    Hey a girl after my own heart..............I think you should have the job, errrrr hands down.

    Yo Mama Kate

    PS What do you think of the van?

  • heathen

    I think the van will get more attention than the band will . jezzzzzzuuuuuus you don't actually own that thing do you ? What is that all over it , lighting?

  • joannadandy

    Katie...I love the van!!

    Heathen--I think those are old cameras...

  • astro_girl

    Hi Heathen! Geez! This punk band thing got a bit wild there with the groupie offers! Um, I'm sure this is just a mild case of paranoia but just to set the record straight, most of the girls (myself included) were not groupies or even drank or did drugs, just music fans. Alot of us had boyfriends and went to the shows to support the bands. Many of them were our friends and a decent amount had an anti-drug and drinking stance! There were bands that contributed profits from their records to community services and gave free shows to raise money for different charities etc. It was very cool, very positive! There were of course a small percentage of groupies that would sleep around but for the most part, we were all in our teens and just having a good time. I think we looked pretty low key compared to what some of the trends and styles are today. The Beastie Boys (when they were a loud obnoxious punk band) used to open for my boyfriend's band at CBGB. The Saturday Night Live show was on Halloween 1981 and there were alot out of town bands in the city to play gigs. I was with some friends from NYC, Ohio and DC and we were meant to be the "slam dancers" (hate that term) but things got a bit out of hand, someone threw a pumpkin (that was really funny!) and some equipment was ruined. John Belushi was friends with Lee Ving from FEAR and that's how they got the spot I guess. I saw John in the green room but never got to meet him. He was acting pretty weird and looked really wasted. I do not have a scanner right now but I will try to locate some pix on the web. Astro_Girl

  • Huxley

    Cool van bikerchic...It looks like it might break down often, but with all that crazy stuff on it, I'm sure people will stop to help us!

    I don't know about the groupie!

    Astrogirl, I saw Fear on that 'decline of western...etc.' video, and they were scaring the crap out of me!

    They seemed kinda thuggish! Maybe it was just part of the made the West coast shows I've been too seem like a walk in the park.

    The Damned, Bad Brains...Buzzcocks! gotta write a book!

    So tell me, as a veteran of that early nyc thing, what do you think of this neo garage punk stuff? esp. strokes, yeah yeah al? I just can't get into it. I'm old.


  • astro_girl

    Hi Huxley!

    Yeah, I'm feeling old these days too! My 16 year old neice has her little "punk" band buttons all pinned on her jacket (Blink 182, AFI...need I say more?!) She has absolutely no interest in listening to any bands that I suggest she add to her "punk rock playlist". Kids these days! No respect for the elders, heh-heh! The last band I really really liked was Rage Against The Machine. Not exactly for their views but mainly for that kick-ass guitar playing! I haven't been to a show in so long! I think the last show I actually went to was Iggy (still buff and put on a great show!) and I forgot what year that was (pathetic!) And now I can always hear an Iggy song on a Carnival Cruise commercial! Arrrgghhh! Oh well, he is approaching retirement age! It seems like these pseudo-punk bands get signed, promoted, labeled and packaged so fast these days they all blur together. I'm sure there are some really interesting bands out there...somewhere. Astro_Girl

  • talesin

    What's Henry Rollins doing these days ... haven't heard anything lately.


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