Describe some the "typical" dubs you would find in nearly every KH

by doodle-v 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • jws

    At least every hall I went to had some old guy who was starting to lose it and would sometimes say inappropriate things. Like using bad language ("naughty" words) while making a comment at a watchtower study.

  • doodle-v

    How about Brother Opera singer-He was an aspiring opera singer before he came into the "troof" so now he just likes to sing the kingdom melodies in vibrato very loud during every meeting.

  • Stefanie

    Just from reading it looks like we have all been to the same KH

  • ellderwho

    Brother I wanna hold the crying baby. This guy would jump at the chance to hold a crying baby. I thought this was strange until I realized the motive..... get away from the stale kingdumb message.

  • ambush23

    sister or brother i have to sit in the back room

    me, sister or brother who is a bad influnce on the majority of others in the age group

    the perfect elder/pioneer wife, but my kids are ALL F#*$ED up

  • nobody told me
    nobody told me

    Sister Cellulita-----comes in late and sits next to you and hogs the arm rest. Out in service makes your car sink to one side. Has 4 kids and always shows up for snack night at the book study.

    Brother unemployment-----always has a get rich scheme, trusts in Jah to pay his bills

    Brother Electron---knows everything about the science, but is socially lost

    Sister elderette-----counsels everyone in the cong, knows all the WT rules.

  • doodle-v

    LOL@nobody told me

    I had sister cellulita in my hall too, she would always show up for snack night and every bring a dish gathering but wouldnt bring anything herself. LOL!

  • new light
    new light

    Sister Alzheimer: Certifiably insane with about 50-60 years of pionerring under her belt. Comments at studies are always off-topic and self-praising, and sometimes downright offensive. Conductors always called on her and said a smarmy "thank you" after each one.

    Sister Dustmask: The old sister who came to meeting three times a year. Wasn't at the rest because of supposed allegies. Had to come to meeting in a dustmask to keep up charade. Probably a failed attempt a fading.

    I realize these types were probably not in many of your congregations, but these are real examples from my old cong.

  • Lonestar13

    brother/ sister "repetition-for-emphasis" : The one who reads the entire paragraph over at the watchtower study when giving a comment.

    sister over-zealous: usually a pioneer sister who refuses to stop her field service time under any circumstance, hunger, cold, bathroom etc

    brother/ sister always-out-of town: usually a pioneer or bethelite couple that are ALWAYS on a cruise, vacation, anything but in town. and in the case of pioneers, they usually have a part time job making very little pay, yet they have a car, an apartment, nice clothes and are always on vacation....hmmmmmmm

  • cyber-sista


    We must've been in the same congregation because I knew Sister Alzheim and Sister dustmask too (seriously). Do you remember little sister hive body--who broke out in hives whenever she came into the hall? she wasn't real typical either I don't imagine...

    but in the halls I have been too we had:

    Brother Obnoxious Joker who while even in a "position" would constantly be telling over the top jokes and would even joke about someones dead grandmother if he had a chance.

    Brother--what's his name?...nobody really knows where this guy is from....He hangs around for a short period of time and then mysteriously disappears--later on it is found out he was on the run and the police are looking for him.

    Takes all kinds...

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