something I've noticed...

by LuckyNun 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • dustyb

    can we count the time spent here discussing on our time cards?? =P

  • boa

    now if we could only get organized enough to hand in time every month and race the jws for hrs just like the greater number of hits on this website compared to theirs- LOL

    From the posts above, i realized i'm no longer inactive starting last month! Wow, 18 month record of non-witnessing, only to start again with 'fellow believers' here. - LOL

    LuckyNun - great thread - but can we get the 'publishers' record form changed any time soon to add 'Posts' and 'Threads started'???


    of the no longer 'inactive' class, and havin' a bitchin' time too!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Not sure if this will work but it is worth the try

    Weekly Time Report

    JWD Posters

    Name __________________________________________________________

    Week starting ____________ to ____________ Month _____________






    Hrs in chat








  • Satanus


    To whom to send it? Sending it to the wt would be good, your xcong, haha. The catholic church, the priest would get a laugh. The district overbeer would drink a toast to you.


  • talesin

    All these years I called it 'education' in my head, how stuffy ....... but I love this!!

    anti - witnessing

    My friends and I will have a good laugh when I share this expression with them.


    Sending in a time report to my old KH --- yeah, baby!

    Lemme see, I must have thousands of hours ..........


  • Puternut

    OK here's my confession: I was a PO for many years and I hated service. I was always looking for excuses to just drive aroung the territory. I have faked my hours at times, just not to be talked to by the CO and DO. I was so busy doing things for the borg, that I didn't have a life anymore. Talks, sheperding calls, calls, study. And now I don't have to worry about that anymore. I feel finally free and relieved. I have time to do what I want to do in life. And I am loving it......


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    A lot of new JWs are very zealous in their preaching work.

    But I have found the joy of this work is endless. I've been out for almost 20 years and still am actively speaking my truth

  • LuckyNun

    RIGHT.ON. \m/ \m/

  • Elsewhere

    Me too! I haaaaaaated doing the "preaching work".

    Now I loooooove to tell people about my JW experiences!

    Don't forget to turn in your XJW time at the end of the month!!!!

  • Emma
    That's because you are finally telling someone the truth that can benefit them.

    This week some dubs set up a table outside of a dining hall on the campus where I work. I actually bumped into them as they were coming in. The pioneer sister recognized me, she didn't remember my name - typical. The next day I left copies of the little brochure, "Jehovah's Witnesses: Who Are They" in the same area. Printing them up and preparing to distribute them felt so good; I'd hate to have any vulnerable young person snared by these vultures. Anti-witnessing is so much more fulfilling than "witnessing."

    They sit around counting time, chatting (gossiping) or reading while the students wander past. How ineffective is that. I'm glad, though, that it probably is ineffective.

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