Calling on all of you for support and prayers or energy for me!

by Sunnygal41 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • little witch
    little witch

    It is precisely 1:00 pm

    LW is waving her wand and thinking of you!

    (tapping my foot and wondering how long it will be for an update)

    What can I say, patience is not my virtue...

    Good Luck today!

  • imallgrowedup

    Terri -

    Thinking of you and hoping that things go all right! I hope they are smart enough to know they have a good employee on their hands and that you made a human mistake.

    Sending you good vibes.....


    P.S. Please let us know how it ends up....

  • Sunspot

    ***from things I've heard and seen in the past, I believe that the decision has already been made and discussed amongst them and this meeting is a mere formality.***

    {{shudder}} I just had a distinct feeling of KH deja vu.........

    I sent a reply to your email and 'splained lots more, so I won't "go there" again on here......(Email--not a PM) But I am sending good vibes and even better hopes for you, that everything goes the way you'd like it to. Chin UP, girlfriend! Love ya!

    BIG hugs,


  • Sunnygal41

    I just wanted everyone to know that I am still at work right now, and will be posting the gruesome details (only half kidding) of the meeting later on either tonite or tomorrow from my home computer. I want to thank ALL of you who responded to me from the bottom of my heart. Tonite I will be going out with a girlfriend to a nice bar/restaurant for a couple of drinks and a nice girl chat.

    Love you all!


  • shotgun


    I've looked through your past threads and the only thing I can find is the one where you asked..Are your nipples the same colour?

    If this is your first offense you should not be fired, documented warnings should be in order before and or previous disciplinary actions against you.

    If you are open and honest to them just like you have been in this thread everything should be ok, you may face suspension or another form of discipline though.

    I hope everything turns out ok

  • shamus

    I assume that all went rather well, then. Good!

    Have a good relaxing time and fill us in later.

    Discipline from work is hard to take; many cannot take it. Remember to learn from it, LOL! Sorry, just sounding like the botchtower now.

    I'll check in on your thread later tonite.

    Have fun, and have a great time.

  • Sassy

    Shotgun, I think it was regarding not something she posted on here, but something she verbally said at work.

    She started that thread with this post:

    Okay...............(takes a deep breath and wipes the tears from her eyes) Something happened today at work that may endanger my future employment. I guess, if I had to say what the error was, I'd have to say is that I have always been and always will be too open, trusting and naive. I said something to someone at work that I thought was a friend, and they reported me to administration. I was called into one of the administrators offices tonite and told that I had been reported and that they would be meeting with me tomorrow morning. I asked if this situation was going to get me fired, and I was told that probably a "letter of reprimand" would be placed in my personnel file and that at the most I would be suspended one day. I don't know what else to say, except that the person I trusted was a disfellowshipped witness like myself. I guess I'm shocked because even if this person was offended and hurt by what I said, I never expected that they would go to Management and report me. In effect, they have threatened my whole career with their decision. I guess, I expected if the person were that offended and hurt that they would come to ME, on a personal level and talk to me. I don't know what else to say, and I guess I just needed to share this with you all on here. This whole incident has made me paranoid and has made me question my own judgement.

    Sunny... thinking of you.. hope your night out with your girlfriend helps a little.. (a LOT)..

    let us know what happened when you can

  • SheilaM

    SunnyGal: Sorry I missed this post.....I hope that things turned out OK for you. (tapping foot along with LW waiting for the news hoping for the best)

  • JeffT

    By the time I saw this, your meeting had already started. You have my prayers and best wishes, I hope it went OK.

  • Maverick

    Sorry to hear about your situation. My otto is to never tell anyone anything they can hurt you with. That said keep in mind you may have been set up. I have a friend in the State Government here who was set up by a co-worker who wanted her position. She too thought this person was her friend. She was stressed out about it for a couple of weeks and I took her out for drinks a lot. She is OK now. But it does take time to get over crap like that. Remember we are here for you. Maverick

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