Most Popular JW Jobs???

by Funchback 40 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Insomniac

    so look where no education got them, scrubbin toilets........

    Not to pick on ya, Dusty, but my little cleaning enterprise is putting me through business school. I schedule jobs around my classes, clear my schedule when I need to (ie, for finals week) and, I happen to make about twice as much as when I was a grocery store manager. Just because someone has what some on this board consider a menial job, does not mean that they are stupid, lazy, or lacking in ambition.

    We're not all defined by our work.

  • flower

    I get annoyed when people start making blanket statements and present them as facts (ie MOST dubs are cleaners ..or carpenters cause they have muscles ..). And I get more annoyed when people degrade and disrespect people because they work at menial jobs.

    The reason there is such a high percentage of of jw's working in low paying jobs is that they are brainwashed into believing that Jehovah God wants them to put spiritual things first. so many of them have to make a living as best they can with what some describe as 'menial' work and focus their lives on pleasing their fake god. What is the excuse of the rest of society who works at menial jobs? Jw's certainly arent the only ones who clean carpets or build houses but they have one of the bests excuses .

    I was born in the 70's and raised in the 'truth' and I have never cleaned a toilet or a house for anyone. I have not been 'higher educated' yet I was making decent living even before I left the organization (till i had my kid and he sucked every penny out of me lol)

    My oldest brother was born and raised a jw and used his 'menial' job as a handyman to put himself through studies and now has a successful computer career.

    My fathers 'menial' carpentry job successfully fed and clothed 9 children and built a 5 bedroom/3 bath house which sits on 3 acres in the quiet country. Not many 'non higher educated men' with even less than 10 mouths to feed can say they have never been on welfare or public assistance.

    The only reason my sister isnt making upper 5 digit income is because as a jw she lacks the confidence to demand more money for what she does..however another example of an uneducated, born and raised dub, making over 50 grand a year.

    Its ok to present the facts that Jw's as a whole discourage higher education and the pursuit of $$. But at least where I come from jw's (not just my family) did more with what little education we had than most people could have thought possible.

  • gitasatsangha

    I agree Flower. I get tired of people putting down folks because they earn an honest wage. The cong's I went to all had a pretty diverse group of publishers, and they all had a wide range of jobs, from PHD's, to window washers, and everything in between. But the ones with the worst jobs, in terms of pay, were almost always second and third generation Jdubs.

    At the same time, I realize why people emphasize the window-washer JW's. It's done, because there is a need to emphasize that JW's typically do restrict the educational avenues their children might otherwise have. I know it affected me, and I'm back in college now into my thirties.

  • SadElder

    Thanks to the former two posters. Jobs / money do not equate with the quality of the person. Some are wealthy, some are poor. Some are gifted mentally, some are mentally challenged. Our family has a long history in the medical field, yet not everyone can be a physician, surgeon, nurse, etc. That is not what tests the quality of the individual. Some of the kindest, wisest dubs I know have little and yes some dubs have fallen victim to the WT?s denigration of education. This is sad.

    We?re glad we didn?t listen to that drivel in the past and we raised our family to be educated to the highest degree that they personally chose for themselves. They needed no imprimatur from the Watchtower for the direction they chose. Of course we did our own bit to channel their thinking.

    That being said, yes too many dubs have jobs that do not really allow for a modest lifestyle with reasonable plans for retirement. This too is sad.

  • Evesapple

    atleast you are using your job for the better. if you were still a JW putting yourself through business school would most likely be frowned upon. Your cleaning should support your ministry work according to their way of thinking.

    I used to be married to a Rug Doctor by the way, and he's had every opportunity since we've divorced to better himself and get an education, but he was so comfortable in that way of life that he couldn't do it. So now he works part time for a furniture store and part time as a Rug Doctor, and he cannot understand why he is so unhappy...hmmmm, I thought all JW's were supposed to be happy because they had the 'truth'.

    Good luck on your business school endeavors! Good for you!

  • shamus


    I agree with you. The problem here is that dubs INSIST that you take such rotten jobs to "put spiritual things" first. They hate education, or at least hated it....

    Most dubs are janitors. It's funny; one client that I looked after, I was thinking about her parents, and how they must be janitors. Sure enough when I asked the client, yup, they were janitors. And they're marriage was a mess. Saw through them before I even knew them, LOL!

    I don't think it's demeaning to those who must work those jobs. It's just a statement on how the mentality of the borg pushes one to do things that ordinary people do not wish to do.

    There is nothing wrong with doing a cleaning business or whatever. When I was a window cleaner, I made $45 per hour. That's more than I make currently, that's for darn sure.

  • itsallgoodnow

    I see flower's point, but I don't think anyone meant to put anyone down. It's just that, in today's economy it's really unrealistic to assume you can get by with some of the jobs the JWs are still putting positive emphasis on.

    About a year ago I went to a service meeting and an elder, his wife and daughter were doing a demonstration about what kind of career the daughter should choose, college, pioneering, etc. This elder is better off financially than most everyone in that cong. as an engineer, and I think a 2nd generation JW (obviously WITH a college degree), and here they are encouraging their daughter in this demonstration to go into a cleaning job. As if they would really do that! I'm sure they don't really want that for their daughter.

    It's sad that lots of people would actually follow that misguided advice and in this economy they are just setting themselves up for a lifetime of serious money problems. It is a problem when lots of people in the congregation have these types of jobs, whether bus driver or cleaning, because these jobs are given a kind of status in the congregation as being very good to have, and kids don't really know what they are up against financially if they actually make this choice. It may work ok for some, but it's not good to have passed up an opportunity for further education or a fulfilling career and then after it's too late, to realize that was a mistake.

  • flower

    the attitude towards higher education has changed A LOT in the last 10 years. its still not encouraged to pursue a career that will take years and years of schooling but at least they let them go to college to get a decent job now without giving them a hard time.... at least around here its a conscience thing.

    in hindsight, i blame myself for buying into that crap and not going to college when i graduated especially since i hated going in service and i knew i had no intention of spending my life door knockin.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    In the Spanish congs, lots of CNAs working mainly at nursing homes.

    Also quite a few house and laundry cleaners. A few even have gone out on business for themselves and make a really nice pay for it.


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Due to the WTBTS 'Old Light' on education, there are many many many unskilled workers now.

    But, don't be misled, that's changing. Most of the young people in the cong I attend that have graduated from H.S. are already attending college, a couple even right to a four year college.

    Thanks to the 'New Light' on education, the next generation of Witnesses will be much better off education wise.


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