A crazy thought....Please humor me!

by Doubtfully Yours 29 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl


    This is on a science fiction roll here.. hehehe. I've always enjoyed thinking about things like this, even though the ideas sound insane. I've always liked to think of parallel universes and synchronism, too. That's one of my favorite subjects... But thanks for the fun thread!


  • LyinEyes

    "As the World Turns".............so true...........who knows,,,,,,,,,it makes sense , I am open to any explanations as to why God allows the sufferings of so many .

    I think that is why I am losing more and more faith there is a higher power , that CARES for us, and will someday SAVE us. Maybe that higher power just doesnt care?????????? I have no idea.

    If I had the power that God has,,,,,,,,, I couldnt sit and watch the horrors that the human race, which he created out of LOVE , have to endure. I know I couldnt sit and watch my children suffer without acting on making it better for them. Doesn't God love us as his own children? We were made in his image right, so we have compassion.....where is His?

  • Elsewhere

    Repent! Repent!

    The Great Awakening is imminent!!! Algebra class will continue and you will cease to exist!!!


  • gitasatsangha

    Everyone knows the earth is just a big computer so the mice can figure out the question to the ultimate answer "42".

    ..sorry for obscure reference

  • Hunyadi
    "If the Almighty makes it all perfect and joyful, then how the heck will he/they get entertained?!"

    Forgive me, and I do not mean to be offensive, but that is one of the most moronic questions I have ever heard anyone ask.

  • Farkel
    "If the Almighty makes it all perfect and joyful, then how the heck will he/they get entertained?!"

    : Forgive me, and I do not mean to be offensive, but that is one of the most moronic questions I have ever heard anyone ask. If you watched a movie and everyone always did everything right, and every one lived in a place where they had been alive so long they could do everything equally, and everyone knew all the jokes there ever were, would you consider it a moronic movie even though it had not one whit of drama. I would. THAT was the point. Perhaps you missed it. Farkel

  • talesin
    would you consider it a moronic movie even though it had not one whit of drama

    No, but I 'would consider it a moronic movie because it had not one whit of drama'.

  • Elsewhere
    If you watched a movie and everyone always did everything right, and every one lived in a place where they had been alive so long they could do everything equally, and everyone knew all the jokes there ever were, would you consider it a moronic movie even though it had not one whit of drama. I would

    Sometimes I'll watch a movie a second time and think: Damnit woman! Don't you remember that the man with the chainsaw in right behind that door???? He chops you up every single time! When are you going to learn???

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D
    suppose we are all superhuman creatures. We created a movie wherein each one of us as "humans" do not know we are merely part of a movie made for the enjoyment of our real selves

    Sounds like Scientology as written and put together by Hubbert, a science fiction writer

  • talesin

    Sounds to me like the holodeck on Star Trek, being controlled by the Q.


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