I am new here

by I_am_an_idiot 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • hawkaw

    ROTFLMAO !!!!!!!

  • philo


    AAll the things written aforetime were written for our instruction...that we might have hope.

    Very nice. Unfortunately that excludes the book of revelation as it hadn't been written yet. Dumdum. Still want to wave that verse at me?


  • philo

    Hi again you are an idiot

    Look I wasn't trying to be insulting, but I wasn't gonna start with Hello I........... because I just don't admit to stuff like that. lol



    Hey Idiot,

    Stop tryng to work out your eternal plan and concentrate on getting through one day, without making an idiot of yourself. If you enjoy being an idiot, Fred will continue to tutor you.

  • lovetobehere

    I think what fred is trying to say is stay with your jewish belief system and live forever. but thats still wrong .............. right fred

  • philo

    OK Idiot (or whatever)

    The righteous will inherit... So how do we know who are righteous? We have to look at the Jewish definition. Why? cos Jesus redefined it. So whose righteousness do you want, Jewish or Christian? Whose hope do you want? Jesus said nothing about living among daffodils on a paradice earth, that's just a cult promise from Rutherford. So what are you left with. If I had to choose I'd plump for Jesus.

    I refer the honourable gentleman/lady to the answer I gave some moments ago.


  • Francois


    Welcome to our site.

    Please remember that Jesus said that there are only two commandmdnts to guide your life: 1) love God with a whole soul, and 2) love your neighbor as your self.

    There is nothing else commanded of you by Jesus; not going to meetings, not reading "bible literature", not going door-to-door, not attaching yourself to a particular organization, nothing.

    Nothing could be more simple.

    Just as soon as someone begins to add burdens to being a christian as noted in the above paragraph, you will know that you're being mislead. Especially when these burdens are accompanied by complex, long-winded explanations about why there are many other things you must do in order to qualify.

    Peace & Love,


    My $0.02

  • RationalWitness


    You asked about Psalm 37:29 and what it means when it says 'the righteous will possess the earth and reside forever upon it.' You conclude this must mean that individuals themselves would live forever. But a number of scholars today say that the ancient Jews had no concept of everlasting life. What ancient Jews would have inferred from Psalm 37 is that the 'righteous' (as a group) would always own the land ... in other words, that the promise made through Moses to Israel would be fulfilled: if they remained faithful to Jehovah, as a nation they would never be removed from the land, but their 'righteous' descendants would possess the land in perpetuity, i.e. forever. In effect, Psalm 37:29 is a kind of affirmation in behalf of the nation of Israel.

    The kind of question you raise is typical of JW thinking: taking a scripture out of its historical and cultural context to force-fit it into a modern interpretation. The Watchtower Society does this extensively, taking Old Testament prophecies that were fulfilled many centuries ago and claiming they have a 'second' fulfillment in the modern-day organization of JWs.

    Best wishes,

  • BugEye

    Hello I_AM

    Welcome to the board and thank you for both your courage and your openness.

    I am of course assuming that your question is genuine and I will respond accordingly.

    Obviously a person wants to follow a form of worship that makes sense and in this, you are seeking something that does.

    However, do not confuse a simple general agreement with a scripture or two to mean that this is a religion that has Gods personal backing.

    If you care to, investigate a little further and compare what you find with the teachings of Jesus in the Cristian Greek Scriptures.

    We know the typed of people he approved of according to the bible, and we also know those that he condemned. To continue, make an honest comparison with the actual behaviour of those in the Watchtower society with both the followers of Christ and his opposers in the bible.


  • God_knows

    Hello, blessed one

    Hey first of all you are NOT an idiot. You are really better off not knowing anything about the Jehovah's witnesses, for they will do all they can to impede your personal relationship with God the Father in Christ Jesus's name. they teach may things which go totally against scripture.

    I do not want to force myself on you, but if you have any questions about the bible, I would love to help you. Write to me anytime.

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