What Do You Think Happens when YOU Die?

by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    One of the advantages in being a JW is that you don't worry about burning in hellfire.

  • Octavia

    Ok, assuming we decide to "abandon" our fleshly bodies for a period of "time". From what I understand - from the people who claim to have died and lived to tell about it, there's a white light and then a tunnel.

    Now, I recently read this book that says that when we die, it is an event that our souls (selves) had planned for us at the time of their mapping out our current life. From what I understand, our free will gives us the power or "opt" out of our planned "departure" if we still have a purpose, or unfinished business.

    It's very deep and complex, but aparanty there's this psychic who astrally travels to what she calls the "other side" and "researches" and educates us. It's all rather complex, like I said.

    I just can't get past that Satan wants us to think that we go on living, that was the first lie, right? God knows that you positively will not die; your eyes will be open, know good from bad...?

    Is that right? Anyway, it's all very confusing, and I believe that Our creator truly did design the wonderful marvel that is us and life and existence, concisousnes, etc. to live forever.

  • Sirona


    I've read that book too.

    All I can comment on is what I've experienced myself. I've seen spirits. At the time of someone's death I believe that they continue on as some form of spirit, and I believe that they are able to be in many places all at once. I won't go into my specific experience which taught me this.

    I saw the spirit of a little girl clinging to an acquaintence of mine (when I say "clinging" I mean she was standing next to the woman holding her hand). I didn't know if she had a child or a younger sibling who died, and I knew she wouldn't mind me mentioning it. She confirmed that she'd lost a female baby in the womb, quite far into the pregnancy. The child I saw was about 6 years old (I was guessing, I'm not great with childrens ages), and she said this happened about 5 years ago. This leads me to believe that we continue to age when we've passed over, OR we percieve the spirit as it would have been IF it had aged.

    I also believe in reincarnation. It makes such sense to me that just as things happen in cycles throughout the universe, so we continue on after death and choose to be born into a physical body again.

    I believe that when we die, the afterlife is how we expect it to be. So a muslim will be in their own idea of "heaven" and a Christian will be in their version (and likely meet Christ). This is because our thoughts can shape things and our souls go where we will them to. Those who end up in a darker place are there because their own thoughts (often our subconscious) sent them there (maybe guilt, or having lived a violent life, etc.). They are helped, I think, by their guides, to reach a better place and level of understanding. Those who have hurt people feel the feelings that they've made others feel and learn why they did things and why it was wrong. I believe we analyse our life as a human in this way. Then we choose other challenges for our next incarnation.

    I believe that those who do healing work and care for others are souls who have been through many incarnations and have learned what truly matters. I think that the universe is evolving and this cycle is taking the human race to a more developed level - we are gradually (oh so slowly) leaving behind harmful traits.

    Much of what I've said is my opinion (ideas) about it all. Although having experienced many things that people think are supernatural, I can say that I believe in the spirit world 100%


  • Dansk

    I believe that when I die my karma will determine what happens next. If you get chance, please read The Three Pillars of Zen by Philip Kapleau. This is one of the greatest "spiritual" books I've ever read and is, in my opinion, the greatest book ever written on Zen Buddhism. Of particular interest is the inclusion of Yaeko Iwasaki's enlightenment letters. This incredible young lady was enlightened at 25 and, after 5 further days of deepened realisation, she fulfilled her own premonitions and died a week later. Her letters are full of insight and incredibly moving. The book as a whole is a masterpiece. If you have a fear of death, don't delay. Go out and purchase this book now!


  • Sirona


    I will read that book, thanks for the recommendation. I didn't realise you were a believer!


  • Abaddon

    I think Terry Prachett's idea of the afterlife is about as valid as the others.

    In it, what happens is what you expect to happen...

  • Sirona


    I think Terry Prachett's idea of the afterlife is about as valid as the others.

    In it, what happens is what you expect to happen...

    Thats pretty much what I said. LOL. Thats from "Small Gods" isn't it? That was a funny book. I believe in the turtle...


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