What Do You Think Happens when YOU Die?

by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    A door closes, another one opens.... "life" continues.

    I believe we "sleep" but I'm not convinced that we can'y go beyond the sleep into a different "life".

    Never being a JW, I just don't understand this pre-occupation with 'sleep'. I've tried asking my JW friend about it, and at some point they just shut up (they don't want to offend Jehovah). Why would a creator have you 'sleep'... what's the purpose? He created you to sleep at some point? A soldier gets blown to bits by a large bomb, their body is immediately destroyed and their soul is put to sleep? To not believe in an afterlife is one thing, but to believe in God and in all his awesome creations and then to think you just 'sleep' at the time that the body dies, just doesn't make sense (at least for me).

  • Nadsam

    Your wifes new boyfriend drinks out your life insurance money hehehee

  • minimus

    When a person dies, it even looks like "sleep".

  • talesin

    Double Edge

    to think you just 'sleep' at the time that the body dies, just doesn't make sense (at least for me).

    Interesting how I never thought about it that way. But now that you mention it,

    Perhaps that is because of the 'resurrection' myth.

    It is comforting to 'believers' to feel they and/or their loved ones will just be resting, sleeping so to speak, until Armageddon comes, etc., and they are resurrected to the Paradise Earth.

    It 'explains' what happens between death and the 'resurrection'.

    ... just a thought


  • orangefatcat

    My feelings are much like Nan's and she put it in a real nice way. I too believe that when we pass over death that beyond that there exists something else for us. I can't believe that God created an entire universe with billions of planets and stars that there isn't a place for us some place else. It would seem to me that it is a logical way of thinking. Why the universe if it isn't meant to be used by God. How do we know wether or not God has other inhabited planets. To me it is logical. If I were a creator with a vast amount of space I would certainly fill it up comfortably.AlienCometTelescopeEarthMoonMoon 2Sun

    Any way that is how I feel about it.

    With All My Love Orange Fat Cat 15

    love Orangefatcat

  • Narkissos

    The sun rises for a bright new day. Birds screech and quarrel over a few crumbs. The nearby river gently flows.

    I am not part of it anymore. The world doesn't miss me as it didn't miss me before I was born. I don't miss it either. "I" am not any longer. But I have been.

    A few people do miss me though. In time my very "absence" will vanish. Only what I have given to them -- most of which I have first received from others -- will remain, peacefully I hope, in their thoughts, gestures or words, as an unnoticed track or signature. I have been for them. I was a part of it all. But I am not anymore. The burden and joy of "I" is theirs as they have been mine.

    Immortal soul, resurrection, are but metaphors for the continuing flow of life, people and language.

  • minimus

    It seems we feel that "life" just continues in a different form.

  • missylissy

    I really dont know. I dont like to think that after this, its completely over, like you cant see, hear, or even think anymore, just black. I like to think that there IS sumthing after this, whether its the "next life" or being "born again" but, i really dont know. Its hard to believe.


  • JH

    Do you still believe in death's unconsciousness? Yes Do you think we must live on somewhere, somehow? No

    I believe that Jesus will resurrect the dead during the millennium, but meanwhile, they are unconscience.

    I kept many dub beliefs even if I don't go anymore.

  • maxwell

    The only thing I know is that the body rots after you die. That's the only thing we have observed and can observe again and again. There has been no proof or confirming documentation of anything further. That doesn't prove that there is nothing more after death. Perhaps an afterlife exists. There is simply no way to prove that there is something after death.

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