Ralph Nader Running?

by patio34 43 Replies latest social current

  • gitasatsangha

    :-) now there is nothing serious about me.

    I really do need to change my screename.

  • Mulan

    I have never understood why anyone runs for office who has NO CHANCE of winning.

    It makes me angry that Ralph Nader might screw up the election AGAIN!!!

  • patio34

    Now, that sounds like the way I feel, Mulan!!


  • Love_Truth

    GO Nader!! GO Nader!! GO Nader!! GO Nader!! GO Nader!! GO Nader!! GO Nader!! GO Nader!!

    Run, Ralph, run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS- Vote Republican. Because it's just not safe to vote Democrat.

  • patio34

    See? The Bush camp loves Nader coming in and dividing. (Referring to Loves Truth's post)

  • gitasatsangha

    And Democrats love voting for Republicrats like Gore, Clinton, and Kerry who go where the wind blows them. Just what does the DNC stand for anymore, anyway? The real democratic party is green.

  • Yerusalyim


    I'll agree that had Nadar not run in 2000 Gore almost certainly would have won...thank God for Nadar. Having said that...had all the votes been counted who knows what would have happened (and I'm not talking about Florida, rather California and the silly way they count absentees). You also have to ask how many votes Buchannan pulled from Bush...perhaps the Nadar-Buchannan votes negated one another.

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Buchanan got far fewer votes than Nader in close states. Yeah, Yeru, lots of retired Jews in Florida meant to vote for Buchanan. Oh, my aching back.

  • Sargon

    It doesn't matter how fast he runs... Ralph is unsafe at any speed!!

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    The following stats can be found at http://www3.niu.edu/newsplace/wh9.html . Please note how Nader kicked Pat B's heinie.

    The Nader & Buchanan Factors [Revised Friday, Nov. 10, 2000. Votes as of Thursday, Nov. 9, 2000.]

    Ralph Nader and Pat Buchanan were spoilers in two states each. (But with 11 net electoral votes swinging to Bush - PS)

    If Nader had not run, Al Gore would have won Florida and New Hampshire with Nader votes. The Nader votes were not a factor in Maine and Minnesota.

    If Buchanan had not run, George W. Bush would have won Iowa and Wisconsin with Buchanan votes. But, if Nader had also not run, Gore would have regained his lead with Nader votes.

    FLORIDA (before recount) 25 electoral votes
    Al Gore (D)2,907,351 49%
    George W. Bush (R)2,909,135 49
    Difference 1,784 - Gore would have won with Nader votes
    Ralph Nader (G)96,915 2
    Patrick Buchanan (RP)17,358 0

    NEW HAMPSHIRE (100%) 4 electoral votesd
    Al Gore (D)265,853 47%
    George W. Bush (R)273,135 48
    Difference 7,882 - Gore would have won with Nader votes
    Ralph Nader (G)22,156 4
    Patrick Buchanan (RP)2,603 0


    IOWA (99%) 7 electoral votes
    Al Gore (D)634,475 49%
    George W. Bush (R)629,521 48
    Difference 4,954
    - Bush would have won with Buchanan votes
    - But Gore would have regained his lead with Nader votes
    Ralph Nader (G)27,726 2
    Patrick Buchanan (RP)6,830 1

    WISCONSIN (before recount) 11 electoral votes
    Al Gore (D)1,240,266 48%
    George W. Bush (R)1,234,167 48
    Difference 6,099
    - Bush would have won with Buchanan votes
    - But Gore would have regained his lead with Nader votes
    Ralph Nader (G)93,167 4
    Patrick Buchanan (RP)11,256 0


    MAINE (99%)
    Al Gore (D)315,466 49%
    George W. Bush (R)283,988 44
    Difference 31,478
    Ralph Nader (G)37,757 6
    Patrick Buchanan (RP)4,315 1

    MINNESOTA (99%)
    Al Gore (D)1,166,505 48%
    George W. Bush (R)1,109,240 45
    Difference 57,265
    Ralph Nader (G)127,561 5
    Patrick Buchanan (RP)23,892 1

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