Nova Scotia declares STATE OF EMERGENCY..

by Special K 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • shera

    I know,I have no tea left....siiiiighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    I'll be running up stairs to my neigbour soon.

  • JH

    I wonder if Pizza is delivered by snowmobile?

  • talesin

    I hope the StupidStore is open ... if not, I'm sure one of the cornerstores. (never thought about the neighbours - hmmm, do college students actually HAVE cream in their fridges j/k)

    ARRRRGHHHH! Must ... have ... caffeine! (said in my best Captain Kirk voice).


  • ChileanRick

    Dear Special K

    For me it's so difficult to understand what's happening with all of you there. Here, in Santiago of Chile, we have 33° celsius, it's so warm. The sun is burning everything, we are getting roasted.

    I hope you will be OK. You and your family receive my love.


  • JH

    There must SURELY be a few witnesses going door to door today in your area just to show how zealous they are.

  • orangefatcat

    Special K, Smyler, Talesin and to other friends in Nova Scotia , I am seeing the conditions in the province and no wonder it is in a state of Emergency. I hope that you are all well and staying indoors and have all your emergency stuff on hand. Candles, fresh water, flashlights matches, wood and emergeny cook stove. I look at a state of emergency like I was on a camping trip. Having all the gear you need to be comfortable. Don't venture outdoors until the authorities say it is okay. I have a lot of ex family in the province of NS. One family is in Truro and Tatamagauche. My grandparents use to special pioneer in Springhill and I see there too it is terrible weather. Snowing Snowplow Sleigh Mush Christmas Snow Snow Flake 5 Snow Flake 3 Snow Blower Snow Blower Snow Storm Snow Mobile Snow

    Circle Of Hearts My thoughts are with all of you.Circle Of Hearts

    Love and take care as always,

    OrangefatcatOrangeFatCat 15

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    Hey Nova Scotians,

    Stay safe and warm.

  • outnfree

    Omigosh, orange, your "smileys" are so cute!!!!

    (((((((((((((Nova Scotians))))))))))))))))) Keep warm, play Scrabble, make love! ;)


  • talesin


    thanks for the reminder re: candles. Just made sure I had them ready - just in case ...

    Storm update: I just attempted to go to the store. And what a weak, feeble attempt it was. The snow is drifting, big-time. I walked about 2 metres, started to cross the street.

    Plop! Up to my waist in snow. Struggled about half-a-block, then I realized - after all this, bet there's no stores open!!! So, back home again. It'll be coffee - black - for the next 24.

    On a funny note, one of my neighbours is shovelling her walk. It'll be drifted full in another couple of hours. Talk about a waste of effort.

    Hope the rest of you are doing fine and yr power stays on!


  • shera

    I'm suprized you didn't blow away! The wind has seemed to pick up more over the last half hour.

    Yes,my mother was telling me,her niegbours were shovling....I suppose it may make less to shovel later,but wouldn't be me.

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