Please Say Something Nice to NIKITA!

by Funchback 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mouthy

    I am so sorry to read this.(((HUG))) At least your safe..... I hope the insurance hurries -in my experience they take to long. Keep your chin up-

  • Scully

    (((( Nikita & Family ))))

    I'm sooooo glad you're all safe.

    I hope your insurance will cover the cost of all your out-of-pocket expenses, from replacing the damaged furniture, carpeting and re-painting, to the cost of sheltering your pets during this transitional phase.

    Love, Scully

  • shotgun


    The worst part is having to live with in-laws..

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    Wow, when it rains it pours?

    At least you are physically ok.

    Hopefully this is the bottom and now things can only get better for you!

    I got a vivid mental picture from this sentence:

    The cats had to be given oxygen

    I can see my cats with little oxygen masks on thier faces and blinking their eyes open

    as they awaken in the arms of some smokey fireman.

    It just seems soooo cute & precious.

    Yaaaa, I'm a wuss sometimes.

  • flower

    Wow I'm so glad you guys are ok! (((((((((((hugs))))))))))

  • Nikita

    Wow, I am humbled by the responses of caring and well-wishing! Thanks Brian for thinking of a way to cheer me up-it worked!

    We are still unable to live in our home, the smoke was too thick and even after they ran some kind of machine (an "ozone" something or other) it just smells too bad in there. I personally am hoping that they just tear out the carpets, padding and let us replace them. They are junking our living-room furniture and hoping they do the same with the mattresses. We have a motel now, 'cause one of our cats was refusing to eat while at the Vets and he lost a pound! He's eating well now and happy to be around his family once again!

    Just found out that one of our dogs (who went in for an xray to see if he had some kind of obstruction-problem that he had before the fire) has a history of abuse! They found 7-8 shot-gun pellets in his left shoulder and his left hip had been broken badly at one time! We adopted him (black-lab/german shep. mix) in 1999 from a shelter. It explains alot about his personality-he's a sweetheart but he is very "quirky" about his personal space. I cannot believe some people could be so cruel!

    Dansk/Ian (love the name Ian!) No, I never

    do things by half!

    Shera, Angharad, Sm62 & talesin

    thanks for the thoughts and well wishes!


    , my kitties were doing ok, but one of them (the elder of the 2) began to lose weight so we had to get a hotel room so he could be with us and get his appetite back-he's a funny little fellow-but he knows how to "protest" to get what he wants!

    I am hopeful that what you say is true and we get a much-needed thorough cleaning and almost brand-new home!


    the clothes in the dryer were on fire, but I was later told that there was a clog in the hose-which was thin shiny-metal material so I think it was from the hose being clogged although the hose itself never caught fire.

    Little Toe, "

    curveball" may as well be my middle name, lol!


    , the deminz will get you every time, won't they?!




    yes, they said they will pay for the cats boarding and now that we have to rent a motel room, they are paying for that, too. That alone is a big relief!


    so true-I am fortunate that it wasn't any worse and every time I feel like complaining I think about that-how it could have been much worse. One of the firemen made a point to tell me he was glad to see we had working smoke detectors and to make sure we purchase new ones as once they have been in a fire, they aren't reliable anymore-which I didn't know!


    yes, ours is paying for the motel and the pets when they were being boarded-boy that would be overwhelming to think about if we had to worry about that on top of the house contents!

    Brummie, nilfun, galaxy7, DevonMc -

    thanks! Yes, I believe that too (that every thing happens for a reason.)


    yummy-sounds delicious! Tooth is doing much better now that it's out-but still a little tender. I will be faithful about vacuming that lint out from now on!


    long is relative-it sure is taking a long time from my perspective but they are probably just getting things warmed up from theirs! But, still, life is good and we have so much and things could have been so much worse.


    it's looking like they will cover the things that need covering, so hopefully that's what it ends up being!


    -yeah, it can be trying, but my mom and dad in-laws are great people and I am gald that they are patient! My sis-in-law is the one who can get trying!!


    yes, that's a picture alright! I didn't think they would even be able to get one of the cats out-but they did! He looked so tiny in the arms of the big, smokey fireman! you wuss, you, lol!



    Again, thanks to all of you - it was a great mood lifter at the end of my day!


  • xenawarrior

    (((((((Nikita and family))))))))

  • simplesally

    Oh I am so glad to hear your insurance is standing by you.

  • Valis


    Nikita! Be safe and well from the Texas Branch!


    District Overbeer

  • BeautifulGarbage



    Glad that everyone got out ok.

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