my first post in this forum

by trumangirl 42 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Nocturne

    Welcome to the forum trumangirl. Hope you enjoy your stay

  • Carmel

    Welcome Trumangirl..

    Not a NZlander but really love your country. My wife and I spent two weeks on the North Island traveled from tip to tip. Some time I want to do the same thing on the South Island since it looks so much like Southeast Alaska, where I spent two decades.

    Unlike you, I've been out of the clutches of the Watchtower for over 45 years. Back then, there was no support groups or a site like this where folks with similar experiances could work things out together. But alas, I survived and don't regret doing it on my own. What are you majoring in? When I started college I wanted to resolve the issue of evolution vs. creationism as a former dubby, it was really important. After reading stacks of books on the subject, and going back to see how the JW writing dept mangled the issues, misquoted sources and outright lied, it took all the steam out of my search. Obviously, I still gave the witlesses more credit than they had coming.

    I hope you are able to work out the "fading" thingy to your satisfaction. For me it was important to take a stand so I told the Cong Serv where to go with his nice little meeting inquiring into my "attitude" and sure enough got the registared letter in the mail in a couple of weeks informing me if my DFing. Never regreted it a bit and have made a wonderful life exploring the physical and metaphysical universe.

    cheers, carmel

  • galaxy7

    Welcome Trumangirl, this is the place to be when you need a friend that understands

  • Rabbit

    Welcome TrumanGirl,

    I am a fader, too. There are lots more here, I've gotten more real help here, than 35 years as a on !

    Lee, from the Great State of Texas (that's a state in the USA)

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Hi Kiwi,

    Welcome to the forum. There are not many Kiwis here at the moment, so I am envious of those states/countries that have enough here to organise apostofests.

    We are not on our own here, there are many ex JWs, it is just that not many of them have found (or just don't post on) this forum yet.

    If there are any Kiwi lurkers here, you may want to PM the others, but be carefull. If you are from several generations of JWs we probably know each other, or know each other's families. It is a small country. There would be very few North Island JWs that would not know my family.

    Christian Love



  • cyber-sista

    welcome trumangirl I am a newbie myself--also doing the fade thing. I have learned a lot exploring around on this site--until a few weeks ago I didn't know this sort of thing existed--thought these kind of sites were for foaming at the mouth apostates. I think most here are looking for the same thing--a little understanding and validation of what happened to them when they were part of the Org. I am here seeking support and comfort from ones who understand some of what I have been through. I think there is a truly unique connection between the people who use this website. Only those who have truly been in the middle of the Org can appreciate and understand the twists and turns and many pitfalls of our WT experience.

  • Nadsam

    Welcome!!!!!!! Hope you find all that your looking for ...including great pals to chat online with.


  • kat2u

    Hello, and Welcome!

  • trumangirl

    Wow! thanks for all the welcome posts. The storms have caused bad floods in some parts, but not much damage in my area, just trees falling down. Summertime's been cancelled in NZ! Our rumpus room got flooded. Every other time there's been heavy rain it was still dry down there, but the rain was just torrential this time. Nice day today though.

    Yes Trumangirl is a reference to one of my favourite movies, very meaningful for ex-JWs. I chose a pic from it.

    Paul is an enigma alright. Will check out different theories as time permits. I am studying public policy at uni.

    And kia ora Chris from BoP. I'm a Wellingtonian.

    What are 'apostafests'? Are these for proactive, demonstrating postates, or is it a reference to the WT's label, ie anyone who's left the org because of the org?




  • avengers

    Welcome Trumangirl.

    There are active JWs checking out these websites on a regular basis.

    Question to L.O.T. Do you have proof that there are indeed active JW s checking this forum?
    If you do then I'd like to see this proof.


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