I was DA'd without my consent. Whadda buncha hypocrites!!!!!!!!!!

by Love_Truth 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • gespro

    WOW! Love_Truth!

    I can't believe you got nailed for a cigar and STILL wasn't ousted immediately!


  • boa

    hi love_truth

    your story touches a chord to my own which involved several years of ftservice including bethel etc etc but didn't quite make it to elder. close but no cigar (hehheh - which i've secretly enjoyed a coupla times in the last coulpla years). thanks for relating it.

    i'm still technically 'in' but fear the course i'm on (with my immediate family) will eventually be like yours. some busybody interfering sob is gonna squeal when i slip on my presently careful steps. MAN I hate going through this!!! I'm still way too programmed to be sure of anything.

    but this is your thread and i just wanted to comment that we have some similarities in our story.

    bty your pic is very kewl - l love star trek and think tng was overall the best - any who wish to stone for this 'apostate' comment on tng versus the original or any of the latest incarnations will have to get in line behind the 'gunners' in the cong who no doubt are keeping their eye on me!


    the wts is kinda like st in belief in the unreal and seemingly impossible...oh yah and the series changes and just goes on and on (jeece i almost typed that without conscious thought - i'm weirded out)

  • Love_Truth


    Why, yes, I am "near Philly". About 2 hours away. Your sis is yet another in the "selective" DA process? Whadda buncha hypocrites they are! For every person like me or your sis, or others on this board who have been DAd without their consent, nor desire, there are dozens who do the same things, and, for whatever reason, don't get DAd or DFd. It depends on who you know, how quietly you left the org, how much you shamed them by proving they teach commands of men as sayings of God, etc.

    Anyway, glad to be out- one of the BEST things I've ever done!!

  • Sunnygal41

    Maverick! I hope you're very careful with this mailing stuff.............who knows that they might be able to get you for mail fraud or some other thing..........just be careful, hon!!!


  • Love_Truth


    Thanks for the kind words. Getting out of the org is one of the best things I've ever done in my life, no doubts, no regrets. I wish you the strength to do so as soon as you are able.

    As for the ST stuff, the similarities you speak of are interesting, I'd missed that comparison until you brought it up- very true. As for "my" pic, my GF and many others say I bear a striking resemblence to Jean-Luc- I suppose that's a good thing.

    Take care and God Bless.

  • Nikita

    Hi, I am funchbacks sis-


    Why, yes, I am "near Philly". About 2 hours away. Your sis is yet another in the "selective" DA process? Whadda buncha hypocrites they are! For every person like me or your sis, or others on this board who have been DAd without their consent, nor desire, there are dozens who do the same things, and, for whatever reason, don't get DAd or DFd. It depends on who you know, how quietly you left the org, how much you shamed them by proving they teach commands of men as sayings of God, etc.

    Anyway, glad to be out- one of the BEST things I've ever done!!

    So true! We had a woman in our former church marry a high-school sweetheart (they were both widowed and in their 60's at the time) who happened to be a "devout" JW. She was a baptist. When he was told of how my former elders DA"d me-he insisted there must have been more to it than just the fact that I married a non-jw! He said they would never do such a thing within his hall-and you know what- they never did DA him- for doing the same thing that I did!

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