I need to get a life

by DazedAndConfused 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    Sorry D&C

    I saw you posting using another account and this, given the recent fuss some people have made about multiple accounts and the fact that you had posted it in 'scandall' as though I was doing something untoward and the fact that there was nothing wrong with your D&C account (which you were logged on with) made me think that you were playing games.

    I'm glad you are not and that it's just a misunderstanding.

    We do try to make this place a safe environment but this does mean sometimes having to be tough with people determined to cause trouble. It's hard to switch between vigilance mode and welcome mode sometimes, especially when some people go to unbelievable lengths to stirr things up and make like difficult.

  • joenobody

    I have a few comments to make, and don't like to waste my breath often...

    1 - The title of your thread says it all - I think you need to "get a life" in that you should probably take a step back. No one should take online boards that seriously.

    2 - I've never said it before, but thank you Simon and the other mods for your time, effort and resoure$ in setting up this board. It is truly thankless work. I personally appreciate the forum.

    3 - If anyone has skipped ahead of the terms of use for this board, I would suggest re-reading them.

    4 - For those not so technically minded, you might be very surprised at the type of "forensic" work s/w developers such as myself and the mods of this forum are capable of as far as piecing together technical information to determine misuse. If you think you are likely to "get over" on the forum admins via duplicate accounts etc, think again. There's much more information attached to your posts than you think.

  • donkey
    It's hard to switch between vigilance mode and welcome mode sometimes, especially when some people go to unbelievable lengths to stirr things up and make like difficult.

    I like you much more in welcome mode, Simon.

    Perhaps you need to buy a Rotweiler to be vigilant while you sit by the fire with your feet up and relax.

  • Englishman
    I thought Slimon and the Moderator's were fair.

    Oh, good.


  • donkey

    OK - here I found the Rottweiler for you...feed him lots of beer and he will serve you well!!

  • Englishman

    Woof woof.


  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    I've never felt that this board was a "cult". It's just a place to make connections and fell better about some horrible things that have happened to use in the past. However, there are times that when someone tries to preach in here about a bible scripture or something that really gets me upset, been there adn done that and won't do it no more!

  • wasasister

    If I may, I'd like to interject a couple of thoughts. FWIW....

    Allgrowedup says: I have a serious pet peeve about people who want to air their differences in public - it says to me that they are trying to gain support for their own reasons with the hopes of causing further dissentions.

    This is something I've observed a number of times and may be the root cause of many ongoing disputes on this board and others. Basically, we impune motives on people when we don't really know what they were thinking when they posted. "It says to me..." may be nowhere near what actually went on in the person's head when they made their comments public. We should all be more careful about doing this - and I'm including myself in this advice.

    Secondly, more than one person pointed out the obvious: "if you are crying over this...if you say you don't have a life...you are taking this way too seriously and should take a break." Well, that's very easy advice to give. But if you are at a point of transition in your life - between lives actually - you may rely on crutches such as this board more than most healthy people would. It may be temporary, or it may last a long time. I have to ask though: Isn't this very reason why the board exists? To make a soft landing-pad for transitional X-JW's?

    You can't have it both ways, people. Tell people they have to be sensitive to the needs of exiting JW's and then when someone displays a dependence on the interaction here, tell them to "get a life"??

    Third: well handled in the end. I hope Dazed is satisfied with the response and this has a happy ending. Maybe we've all "growed up" a little.


  • PopeOfEruke


    Isn't this very reason why the board exists? To make a soft landing-pad for transitional X-JW's?

    Brilliant! Nothing irks me more with some of the people here (including some in authority), telling poster to "get a life".

    Well thats what they are here for in the first place isn't it?? We all have somehow "lost" a previous life and are trying to find a new one, and this board purports to offer assistance in the undertaking.

    The board should be here to help people and not simply to boast about its popularity and how this must be cheesing off the bigwigs in Brooklyn. Stuff Brooklyn I say, and lets concentrate on the persons who make the effort to post here.


  • wasasister

    Pope: Nothing makes my hornier than someone calling me "brilliant". Too bad you're celibate.

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