NOTE: live on CBC - RIGHT NOW 1st televised same-sex marriage

by talesin 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • RubyTuesday
  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Some one made a funny comment about a female gay couple and he got his post deleted....he happens to be Pro-gay all the way.(lighten up people)

    It was not a funny comment. It was a comment that ridiculed their appearance and I found it offensive. Also the post was not deleted, it was edited. The person in question and myself took the matter to PM and off the open board. We worked it out to the point where we at least understand the other.

  • RubyTuesday

    Yes...made fun of appearance...not life style. I will concede it being funny is relative. Lighten up.. a little.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Lighten up.. a little

    I will if you can get your facts straight just once.

    And while we're on this, there are quite a few gay and lesbian posters who find that type of "humor" offensive. In fact a couple of long time posters were so outraged by recent bashing, they had to leave the board. I somehow have a feeling that you would not tell me to "lighten up" if you were offended and I had moderated a thread to protect you. Think what you like, but I would have done the exact same thing if a thread had been started ridiculing you, your appearance or your lifestyle.

  • RubyTuesday

    Go ahead and make fun of me....I don't take myself that seriously.....I'm secure enough in myself to handle it.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Go ahead and make fun of me

    Tell me please when and where I am making fun of you.

  • orangefatcat

    My husband and I were sitting here in our livingroom and watching it. We started to discuss this and although our opinions are different we still respect one another to agree to disagree.

    It will more than likely cause a lot of gay bashing. I try and remember the only thing that is different is the choice of sexual partner. So if they want to marry then its really their personal choice. Many hetro-sexuals practise the same things as gays. So does it make hetro-sexuals gays.? I mean this subject can go on and on in many ways.

    So for me it is not an issue. It was interesting to see it on public television. I guess the CBC has decided to break the ice on the issue of same sex marriages. I mean someone had to start it on TV.

    These comments are in no way meant to offend or hurt anyone, as I know you know me and I love people no matter what. Just not the WTBS and its rank and file....

    Love the cat Orange Fat Cat 15 Red Ribbon

  • RubyTuesday

    Okay now...your not making sense...see you keep putting words in my mouth. Just read Yerusalyim response to my gay bashing thread. He put it much better than I ever could.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    How am I not making sense? I put no words in your mouth. You said:

    Go ahead and make fun of me

    and I responded, asking you to tell when and where I have made fun of you. Ruby, I do not wish for any confrontation, but if someone accuses me of ridiculing them, especially when I haven't, I think I have a right to reply. I also do not see how quoting you is putting words in your mouth. I try very hard to treat people the way I would like to be treated, so if someone throws this sort of accusation at me, I will take it seriously. Sorry, but that's who and what I am.

  • RubyTuesday

    What was wrong with my gay bashing thread? I am against do have a comprehension some have said on this board .

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