The Passion of the Christ

by Christian Soldier 31 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Tatiana

    I don't care if it's fiction, nonfiction, wrong or right. I'm going to see it because I love Jim C. And I would go see anything he played in. It's a freakin' movie.

  • nilfun
    I'm going to see it becasue I love Jim C.

    Oh God, yes...Jim Caviezel. Sweet Jesus.

  • rem

    The book was better.



  • Yerusalyim

    DY, et al,

    I'll be seeing the movie tomorrow night (Thursday). Several church men's groups got together and rented a theatre. There's a discussion group after. The local reform Rabbi is an honored guest. I'll give a report on the movie when I get back.

    My son tried to get tickets at a different theatre last Friday for today's showing...he was told the first seven showings were already sold out...that runs into tomorrow.

    I actually liked the book, "the last temptation of Christ" and found Life of Brian hilarious...and I'm a christian...always look on the bright side of life....

  • Tatiana
    I'm going to see it becasue I love Jim C.

    Oh God, yes...Jim Caviezel. Sweet Jesus.

    yeah, another fan!!!!! And so well put, nilfun! (Sweet Jesus!) They couldn't have picked anyone better to play this part. He is my idea of the perfect man, and now he's playing Jesus? You can't get any better than that.

  • Valis
    I actually liked the book, "the last temptation of Christ"

    Did you see that movie? I think it rocked! I might go see Passion, or I might just wait till it comes out on DVD.


    District Overbeer

  • Princess
    I'm going to dress up as JESUS and go see the movie. Just like all of the LOTR and Star Wars freaks. It'll be rad.

    Funny one Jason. I heard Jim C was struck by lightning when he was on the cross. His initials are J. C. and he is 33. Does that have to mean something? Why did you lose respect for Mel for stating these facts? They are true and he sees them as signs. Doesn't mean they are. I just don't see the big deal. I'll see the movie. Lots of hype and publicity, gotta see it.

  • DIM

    Hi have things been? hmmm...maybe i'll drop an email, its been too long...

    Jim Carrey also has the same initials, as does Jarvis Cocker but I don't think they are 33. My initials are JWA which means absolutely nothing.

  • L_A_Big_Dawg
    Truth is relative.

    Sentinel, is this an absolute?

    Just curious.

  • Yerusalyim


    Never had a chance to see the movie, I'd like to though.

    Truth is NOT relative.

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