hello everyone

by itsallgoodnow 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Huxley


    This is a great place to learn and cope...

    you are not alone!


  • ZeroKool29


    This is where I have finally felt like I belong, in a way. I've posted on boards before, not religious ones, mind you. No one ever talked to me or replied. Here, I feel like expressing myself is appreciated and it helps me, too. I never knew i had so much to say about one subject. When I look back at how I used to be, talking on this board is a HUGE step. I was always so afraid of looking into things, seeing what was out there, but especially, I was deathly afraid of "apostate" views. I would never have looked on an ex-JW website or anything before. But I finally did one day, for no particular reason and it was like "the scales" fell off of my eyes. I realized quickly why the WTS discourages the use of the internet and it ain't because of porn. I mean if you want porn there's plenty of magazines and videos. They don't want you online because they cannot control it. They can tell you to tear up "apostate" letters and they can seal you off from the outside world while you're in the Kingdom Hall but they cannot stop something that travels over the phone line and into your home. They cannot control the dissemination of information on the internet and they know that you will eventually come accross something that casts a questioning eyes on their teachings and, once that happens, you will doubt it and come to see it for what it really is. And I was MOST surprised to find that alot, if not most of these sites, USED THE SOCIETY'S OWN PUBLICATIONS to prove their points about things. It wasn't just a bunch of hate being spewed out at the WTS's expense. It was a consideration of information that just doesn't stand up well to scrutiny. I would say this : Your current position as still being in the organization gives you the opportunity to do some good. I would start by asking questions of your JW family members. Ask them about something that you question. Just bring it up like "Hey, you know something was kind of gnawing at me. The Society says such and such but I feel so and so. What do you think?" See if you can generate an actual discussion. If they ask you to go to the elders, do so and pay careful attention to how the deal with your question. If the answer is dismissive, by all means let them know that the answer does not satisfy your question. Make sure your family sees how you are treated by the elders. It's my bet that you will be asked to drop it or in some other way be told to stop thinking too much and then the point you've been wanting to make to your family will be evident to them too: The WTS doesn't like it when you think for yourself.

    Best of luck whatever you choose to do and welcome to the Board!

  • shamus

    Hello! Welcome to the board!

  • talesin

    Welcome itsallgoodnow

    you'll figure it out - be gentle with yourself.


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