What if men had been in subjection??

by FlyingHighNow 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rick Aust
    Rick Aust

    Women are more bitcher to each other then men are. Men can argue and then just get on with their lives. have a look at women politicians they are just as incompetent and corrupt as male politicians, if not worst. Women tend to lie more and with a lesser conscience about it too.

    I don't mean to sound like i hate women, i'm very happerily married to a Good woman and 2 teenage girls, but my sister is a feminist and a JW ! All her life since about 14yo she's told me how science has "proved' that women are superior to men etc.. etc.. her favorite sond was "i am woman" gasp ! Yet women like her don't see the fruitage of their owns lives, she hads a broken marriage and is still single for the past 10 years and looking for a new man.

    I don't think God put Man as the head for nothing, he didn't just win a flip of a coin.

    Too many divisions in this world.

    regards Rick

  • particlesnwaves5

    Sounds like somebody has some issues, man.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    ....all I can say is

    "I refuse to put out unless she buys me an expensive dinner first"

    ps. on a more serious note---ever read LYSISTRATA; it is an ancient greek drama ( comedy actually) about the women of anceint Athens who refused to "lift their legs" for their men, until the men stopped their warring with neighboring city states. . Interesting analogy from all those millenium ago.

    Have we changed that much in all these years? What does that say about who is subject to whom?

  • Englishman

    Women are far better communicators than men. That's because they can multi-task, men can't do that.

    Hey, I can't even read a road map unless I turn of the car radio!

    Hmm...and the engine.


  • stillajwexelder

    Women are far better communicators than men.

    That is very true IMHO

  • Sassy

    I don't honestly think that it would be better. I wouldn't want a man to be in subject to me..

    I've had men ask me to role play where I am the 'dominant' one.. Can't do it.. just isnt natural to me.

  • shotgun

    Sassy if your going to share our role playing games with everyone I'll never wear that catwoman costume again...............unless you ask nice.

    It seems as has already been said the WT was built on sewage and no matter who is in charge the smell will always be there.

  • Scully

    FlyingHighNow asked:

    What if men had been in subjection??

    Well, maybe JWs wouldn't be preaching about the Promise of an Earthly Paradise?, because we'd already be in Paradise!!

    Seriously, though, when people stop wanting to have other people "in subjection" to them, it will do a heck of a lot making the world a better place to live.

    Love, Scully

  • Rick Aust
    Rick Aust

    speak for yourself Englishman. Women can talk but when it comes to communicating, thats a different matter.

    As far as map reading is concerned, my wife took a maths course with only women, part of there course was to go to a shopping center and use the MAP to find there way around the place. many failed, they also used a Road map as part of there course. Women need to do a course just to read a map mate!

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    LOL at shotguns comment....

    The Watchtower Society really is built on sewage!

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