Simple introduction to the theory of evolution

by Diogenesister 61 Replies latest forum links

  • slimboyfat

    The extinction of the dinosaurs created the gap in which mammals thrived and humans ultimately emerged.

    If the world of natural selection as it actually exists is not compatible with God then what set up would be? A planet where people gather vegetables in large baskets, lambs and lions lie down beside each other, and children play safely with snakes? Where have we seen that picture?

    If we say “a loving God cannot do it this way” who are we to tell God what he can do?

  • cofty
    who are we to tell God what he can do? - SBF

    As usual you miss the point.

    'God', whatever that means, can do anything she chooses. The god and father of Jesus must act in accordance with his revelation.

    Evolution is the cruelest way imaginable to get to where we are now.

  • EverApostate


    Since you recommend us to see the creation Museam, tell me this.

    THe Bible says that the Flood waters of Noah covered the Tallest mountains.

    Genesis6: 18 The waters rose and increased greatly on the earth, and the ark floated on the surface of the water. 19 They rose greatly on the earth, and all the high mountains under the entire heavens were covered.

    So Even Mount Everest should have been under water. How did the People and species inside the ark breathe then ? To my understanding we need breathing equipment to breathe beyond a certain Altitude.

    Did Noah's flood Solve the Problem completely. Was evil got rid of thereafter ?

  • TD


    You do realize that many genes and traits are dormant, turned off, or otherwise not expressed; but still present in the Genome of individuals?

    That's implicit in the term, "Allele."

    The four human blood types, for example, are controlled by a group of alleles which give us the following six genotypes:

    AA & AO

    BB & BO



    The problem for the scenario you've posited vis-a-vis Eve is that we can't get all four types from two people with the same blood type.

    In other words:

    If Adam and Even had both been pure type A, types B, AB & O would not exist

    If Adam and Eve had both been type A with an O recessive types B and AB would not exist.

    If Adam and Even had both been pure type B, types A, AB & O would not exist

    If Adam and Eve had both been type B with an O recessive, types A and AB would not exist.

    If Adam and Even had both been type AB, type O would not exist.

    If Adam and Even had both been type O, types A, B & AB would not exist.

    What was there to prevent God from flipping a few switches when fashioning Eve from Adam's rib, or even rearranging expressive genes from the complete genome that was already available from Adam?

    It's not that simple. To continue using blood as an illustration, to get all four types from one human couple, one of them would have had to be A with an O recessive and the other would have had to be B with an O recessive. Nothing else works.

    This isn't simply flipping a switch in Adam's DNA; this is changing the DNA to code for a protein that Adam does not possess.

    In regard to undeveloped female apparatus in the male body, are you okay with the idea that the female of the species had at least been designed prior to the creation of Adam?

    (How else would God have known what the effect of two X chromosomes would be if it had not already been designed???)

    It seems like a no-brainer to me, but since you don't explicitly acknowledge counter-points, its difficult to tell....

    Are you suggesting that this is evidence of evolution? If so, how? I don't see the connection.

    I'm suggesting that the rib-story, is not a literal account.

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic
    Fact: All information comes from a mind

    What about tree rings? They contain information but trees don't have minds.

    Or what about geological layers? They contain information yet rocks don't have minds.

    I don't think it's a "fact" that all information comes from minds. I think it's simply something creationists have made up.
    Information exists in every object in our entire universe independent of the existence of minds. Information existed long before we were around. And will continue to exist long after we're gone.

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic
    So Even Mount Everest should have been under water. How did the People and species inside the ark breathe then ? To my understanding we need breathing equipment to breathe beyond a certain Altitude.

    There are MANY reasons the global flood is absurd. But I don't really think this is a fair criticism. If the earth were to be covered in water than the atmosphere would naturally stay above that water. Or, to put it another way, Noah's altitude would've been sea level.

    If your looking for absurdity, consider that the Egyptians, Sumarians, Harrapans, and the Chinese all failed to notice that they got wiped out by Yawehs incompetence. They all have a written history and governments that predate the flood and have continuity after the flood.

    Or the fact that the pyridamids, constructed hundreds of years before the supposed flood, show no signs of water damage or decay.

    Or the fact that we have trees still around today that were alive before the time of Noah - like this bristle cone pine here in Northern CA:

    Etc. A global flood 4,000 years ago is pure mythology refuted by geology, stratigraphy, geophysics, paleontology, biology, anthropology, and archaeology . . . just to name a few.

  • waton
    So Even Mount Everest should have been under water. How did the People and species inside the ark breathe then ? To my understanding we need breathing equipment to breathe beyond a certain Altitude. EverApostate

    Of course the story demands that even a giraffe, or an elephant standing on Mount Everest could not be allowed to snorkel, but had to be killed by drowning. but

    The atmosphere would have been lifted with the rising water, and pressure and oxygen levels maintained almost normal.

    If the water could lift the heavy loaded ark, it can left the lighter air. be fair. Noah was there, and jesus, peter endorsed the fairy tale.

  • waton
    we need breathing equipment to breathe beyond a certain Altitude'

    ever Apostate: The atmosphere would hardly by thinned by that 9 km lift above Everest. To the 40 000 km circumference of the Earth, only 56 km would have been added. .014%.or 1.4 thousandth. and it would have been hot. so,

    Fast evolution after the flood? within nine month, many of the habitual edenic herbivores like lions and hyenas were turned into carnivores by fiat upon the coming down of the gangway of the ark ha ha.

    Entered as vegans, came out as slaughterers. think about that perry.

  • slimboyfat

    Is it in accordance with this Bible statement about God?

    Romans 9:18 Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden.

    19 One of you will say to me: “Then why does God still blame us? For who is able to resist his will?” 20 But who are you, a human being, to talk back to God? “Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it, ‘Why did you make me like this?’”[h] 21 Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use?
  • TD
    Evolution is the cruelest way imaginable to get to where we are now.

    Sadly yes....

    Does Plasmodium falciparum make its victims more attractive to mosquitoes by design or did this level of nastiness evolve purely by natural forces?

    If the former is not a striking example of sadism, than what is?

    If the latter is not a striking example of evolution, than what is?

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