Lane Convention, committed suicide because he was gay!

by cyberguy 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyberguy

    Lane Convention, the son of the Society?s premiere attorney, committed suicide, because he was gay! Or at least was envoled in gay sex and drugs for many years!

    Well, Lane was a very good friend of mine. And I?m not "gay" nor wish to bash anyone who is, but Lane was a homosexual or at least a bisexual, as he told me! He had sex with Witness "boys" for many years, while growing up in the "truth" and he was the the son of the Society?s lead attorney! He wanted to quit, but it was very hard.

    Anyway, he hung himself from his Mom?s basement some years ago. His dad had died many years prior from cancer. His mom tried to get me married to his sister, whom I liked very much, but could never marry, we were not even close to being compatible! However, she and I hung out a lot, many years ago!

    If someone is in a similar situation, whereby they?re gay or bisexual, or whatever, everything is going to be "ok!" Don?t x-yourself! PLEASE!

    Anyway, I hope that if you?re having severe problems, hang in there or at least contact this group for help, and perhaps get possible relief! Don?t "out" yourself! It?s not worth it! Elders can't help! Many members on this board can! "WE" care!

    Just my 2-cents!


  • darkuncle29


    Thank you for posting this, it is very important, and worth more than the proverbial $.02.

    I never actually attmepted suicide, but it was a constant fantasy. I didn't know other options were available. I didn't know that I could make other choices than the few that were presented to me by the WTS or society in general.

    I survived only because I loved my family and friends enough that I did notwant to hurt them with my death. Granted, that is not the best reason, but it was A reason. With that keeping me alive, slowly over time, other more worthy reasons came to my attention.

    I would say this to anybody who is suffering from suicidal tendencies. Live! Stay alive! Survive! THAT alone is your momentary purpose. God-the universe-You(pick one that suits you) put you here for a reason. Figure that reason out.

  • shamus

    What else can you really say?

  • Dawn

    That is such a sad story.

    I hope to God that I have proven to my son and my daughter that I love them unconditionally - and that I want them to be happy. For someone to kill themselves because they are sad......what a loss of a potential for a beautiful life.

  • El blanko
    El blanko
    He had sex with Witness "boys" for many years

    That statement doesn't sound too good to be honest. I'm sure he was struggling with his sexuality (fair enough). His promiscuity bothers me. What about "those boys" and the trail of effected people on his personal quest to satisfy his sexual cravings?

    Are we advocating promiscuity as a valid way to live here?

  • darkuncle29
    Are we advocating promiscuity as a valid way to live here?

    Are you saying that you believe all gay people are promiscuous? Surely you can do better than make such sloppy statements.

    Your question is also offensive and uncharitable; you know full well that we are not advocating promiscuos behavior.

    I am gay. I am not casual or promiscuous. If you said that to me in person I'd belt you one.

    your assumptions show you to be the ass that you are.


    Cyberguy, that was an interesting post.

    This is not unique, and well...there are a number of reasons former JWs/present JWs, commit suicide.

    But you can be damned sure, the topic of homosexuality, within the confines of the WTBTS can drive a person to suicidal thoughts.

    I've been there.

    El Blanko: so all we can focus upon is speculation as to his sexual prowess or perceived 'sexual activities'? Geez, so much for compassion and sympathy.

    DarkUncle29: I have nothing further to add.

  • El blanko
    El blanko
    I am gay. I am not casual or promiscuous. If you said that to me in person I'd belt you one.

    your assumptions show you to be the ass that you are.

    - swing away ...

    If you step down off your instinctive emotive response for a second, you will see that I was commenting on that particular case. You appear to be on the defensive over your sexuality. Does it bother your conscience?

  • Undecided

    Was his dad Hayden Covington? I remember an atorney by that name when I was trying to avoid the military back in the 50s. I wondered what happened to him. We corresponded several times over the draft issue. I finally got my 4D classification the day before I was to go for induction.

    Ken P.

  • cyberguy

    El Blanko,

    By "boys" I mean young teanagers his age. He wasn't a child molester or something like that.

    He was trying to get some help at a hospital, but it didn't seem to help very much. Anyway, he started using heavy drugs, and no doubt that added to the problem.

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