an update on my situation

by orbison11 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • orbison11

    greeting all

    well you have all been a great support in my move

    i gave my notice after my last post on this, and told him i was moving by the end of the month. he didn't listen

    but once the boxes came a few days ago, the major threats began, car ruined, shop vandilized big time, etc

    so finally, this a m, when i wanted to start to move, he started in again with the threats, so i went to the police, very stressful, but they decided there was more than enough to arrest him, and keep him there for a day or so so i can get my things and get out, so i am packing tonight and moving, by car lol, tomorrow

    hopefully the justice of the peace will keep him in there till monday, i have a safe place he doesnt know of, restraining orders and a peace bond,

    anyhow, i will still be able to access this site and again, thanks for the support


  • shotgun

    (((((Wendy)))) I'm so sorry for all the pressure your under..If you ever need to chat just PM me.

  • asleif_dufansdottir


    Continue to be very careful. I believe statistics show that leaving puts you in danger unless he gets scared straight by the cops.

    Keep us posted and enjoy your new life!!

  • jgnat

    Here's hoping you have a peaceful weekend, and that you have already faced the worst. Yes, keep us up-to-date so that I don't worry too much.


    (((Orbison11))) - good grief, I am terribly sorry and alarmed at this revelation.

    I'm pleased that the police finally acted upon 'evidence' and arrested him, giving you ample time to clear out.

    This is horrible.

    But your safety and well being is absolutely paramount.

    I hope you find a safe haven and remain 'safe' from here on in.

    I wish you the very best.

  • Sentinel

    Wendy, please be safe. My first husband was similar. He didn't believe that I would ever leave him. I feared his violence, his guns, his hands. He told me that he would never let me leave him and that he would never let me divorce him. He had a split personality, and I had seen the wrong side of him for far too long. Still, inside, my heart was crushed at how everything had turned out.

    You aren't responsible for another person. They are responsible for themselves. I say this because my first husband did a tailspin into deep depression after I finally left him and then a year later he committed suicide. (It was odd that he called me before he did the deed, and alluded to the fact that in a month, the separation would be at the one year mark, and wanted to know if I was actually going to divorce him.) He mumbled something about that it would not be necessary for the divorce and that if I divorced him, I would be a "marked woman"; and some other stuff that was supposed to put too much fear in me to actually proceed. He said he wanted to meet me in a public place to discuss our son, and something told me not to agree. I told him that it wasn't possible, and he remarked by saying that I would see him in a public place in three days then. I totally didn't understand what he meant, and hung up very confused. When I got the call that he had shot himself, I realized the public place he spoke of was a funeral home. He knew exactly what he was going to do,--and no doubt intended that I would be there along side him.

    Just be very careful and let your instincts guide you. I'll be thinking of you. Keep us posted.


  • Sassy

    ((((((((((((((Wendy))))))))))))))))) Please be safe and smart. These situations can be so volitile. You are in our thoughts...



    I'm sorry to hear of your situation. I had nooooo idea. Sounds like you got involved with a wacko...

    Glad you called the police for help.

    PM me if you want to talk ... okay?


  • Purple

    Wendy my hopes, hugs and love to you. Went through something similar last APril, although not quite as horrific as yours. I took my brother and brothre in law plus my sister and advised the police of the situation when I went to collect my belongings. The night I actually left him he tried to push me through the front window,

    Never doubt that you have done the right thing! You deserve to live in safety and with peace of mind. The first few months I didnt feel safe, kept looking over my shoulder, jumped at every noise, didnt sleep properly but gradually I began to feel safer. He doesn't know where I live, I dont contact anyone who could give my address away to him and stuff like that. Now we are going through property settlement and soon divorce and I have refused to give my address to his lawyer but have given my lawyers address only and thats the only way he can contact me. He was trying to contact me through work but my lawyer issued his lawyer with an official warning or something and he can be arrested for something. Not sure what dont care it worked!

    Snyway hun pm me if you need an understanding ear. I live in Australia so the laws are problably a bit different. Get yourself a good lawyer when you are ready and can afford to and end things in court as soon as possible.

    Much love and hugs. You have taken the first step to improving your life! It will gradually begin to get better. I am proof of that!

  • Valis
    Valis safe and take care of yourself and don't let yourself be abued!


    District Overbeer

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