an update on my situation

by orbison11 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • wednesday

    (((((Wendy))))) so glad u are finding a place to stay safe.

    Ever time i feel sorry for myself , I read something that reminds me it could be worse. At least i am safe and no one is trying to harm me.keep us updated.

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Dear Wendy, I'm so glad to hear you escaped him. Congratulations on your courage! I've never had that kind of threatening situation, but my mother and step mother certainly did, and I am so proud of you and hopeful for you.



  • Special K
    Special K

    Hi Wendy

    I went through a similar circumstance many years ago when I was a young lady..wish I would have called the police.. but called the elders instead.. that of course was a big mistake.

    Glad you called the police and have some things in place at work as well.

    BUT.. please keep yourself safe... This guy sounds like many bricks short of a load of Nitro.

    be safe

    special k

  • DevonMcBride


    Continue to be careful. Keep us posted.


  • orbison11

    greetings all

    thank you so much for the encouragement, when one goes through this they feel as if they are the only one, and often feel as if they are the crazy one,

    he has a serious mental problem of some kind, and so far i am ok, although , like others, always jumping when i think i spot his car, etc, that too shall pass

    there are restraining orders and keep the peace, etc, not that it would stop him, but the police might have instilled some fear into him,,,,even though his presentation is one of a very tuff brute



    Hey Orbison11, I'm glad we had a few minutes to chat last night.

    I do hope that things will remain in-place and that the police have put some 'fear' into him.

    That reminds me, I know one woman here in Toronto who dealt with someone, perhaps, similar to your previous partner, and the police scared him so bad, that one time, my friend was at a bar, and he showed up.....he saw her, and ran for the door. GOOD!

    Nonetheless, you don't even need to see him, let alone even have to have him prove himself. Hell no!

    Be safe and be well Orbison11.

    We're thinking about you. Keep us posted.

  • shotgun

    What the hell are you too doing up at this ungodly hour?

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