I knew I couldnt avoid them forever... Hi there, new here

by Butterfliez 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • wednesday


    I've decided that all i want to say is if u find yourself in a situation where u feel u are being abused, call Child protective services. They will take it from there. .

  • Strawberryfieldsforever

    Welcome Galimo!

  • wednesday

    Note to all,

    I'm not sure what grounds we stand on giving advice to someone who is underage. I amended my post b/c of this.


  • Joysome

    Ok. Everyone is going to hate me for this. But as you all know I'm on the fence of where I want to go.

    If you feel so strongly about how you feel about the organization, why are you hesitant to meet with the elders? Everyone knows that they aren't there to gang up on you. I'm sorry that everyone here has had so many bad experiences with the elders. I'm truly sorry. But they aren't all like that. Anyway, Why aren't you ready to get disfellowshipped? I guess I can understand considering you are only 16 and you have your grandmother to deal with. But again if you feel so strongly about your feelings isn't that for the best? As far as calling child protective services or the police or a FREAKIN' lawyer. Come on! you know that is so not necessary. So not necessary. Are you being abused? I'm sure you're not and truth is no matter what kind of family we grow up we all were abused in some form or way. But is it really enough to have child protective services called and risk you being taken away from mother and your grandmother and being put in some home where you don't know the people and who knows what kind of ABUSE you'd go through with that. I'm sorry you didn't have friends your age in your hall. That sucks big time. you do seem like a bright girl. I think you should just step back take an honest and serious look at your situation and figure out if it's really as bad as it seems. Because we don't know the whole story. But you do.

    Love me!!!!!

  • Singing Man
    Singing Man

    Just join the Army and once your there if they give you crap the armys legal department will scorn them a new ass. I wish I would have done that now that I thinnk about it, I would be well off now.

  • jst2laws

    Welcome Butterfliez,

    An appropriate name for a first time poster.

    Since you got baptised (at 9, gaawwd, what a scam) they think they have authority over you.

    The fact is they have no authority but they can hurt you if you depend on 'grandma' for a place live.

    To meet with them may work, but is dangerous. They will prod you with questions and try to drown you with guilt. You will be tempted to express yourself and that will be your undoing. The less you say, the less they know, the better for you.

    I agree with LittleToe and Amazing, sorta. If you can get away with it, don't even meet with them, you will end up hung. If after several attempts you run out of believable excuses then meet but be extremely evasive. Be repectful and play their little games but say nothing they want to hear. You just need time to get out on your own.

    Hope it works out for you.


  • Joysome

    hahaha...This really does crack me up. People knock on JW's for telling people not to talk to other religions or apostates etc. And here you guys are doing the exact same thing. Where is the benefit for her not meeting with the elders. In fact, she will only make matters worse for herself because eventually she will be talking to them so she may as well just get it over with if it's really going to be that agonizing.

  • Richie

    Welcome Butterfliez to this board!

    The only advice I could give you is that you go and meet with the elders on Saturday morning. If you don't go and give them some excuse, they will keep on hammering you to go to another meeting until you see them. I have seen it happen where people got disfellowshipped by not going to judicial meetings. If you steadfastly refuse to see them, then they see it as rebellion against the elders, the congregation and the Society. They may conclude that because of this rebellion, they need to protect the congregation and disfellowship you as a result.

    Just meet with them and say as little as possible but stay polite and respectful. They might ask you if you believe that the Watchtower organization is directed by God on earth, then say yes!! (even though it is NOT). Just tell them quietly, in a few words what they want to hear - you can also mention to them that you are very tired and feel that you may get a nervous breakdown and feel that you must rest. They cannot disfellowship you even if you refuse to go to the Kingdom Hall meetings afterwards. At least by doing it this way, you will get them off your back for a while and they may even be "kind" to your grandmother for the time being. Just a few suggestions to get you through this ordeal.

    I wish you all the best and strength for tomorrow!

    Richie :*)

  • jst2laws


    You are confusing issues here.

    People knock on JW's for telling people not to talk to other religions or apostates etc

    The WT mandate is to keep JW's from discovering the truth about the troof. No one here tells others to avoid evidence or discussing opposing views.

    And here you guys are doing the exact same thing. Where is the benefit for her not meeting with the elders.

    As stated above it is not the same thing, avoiding opposing views. Rather than asking where is the benefit of NOT meeting with the elders the question is WHAT CAN COME OUT OF SUCH MEETING EXCEPT HER DISFELLOWSHIPPING, for a commitment made at age nine? She has no intention of playing the JW game so meeting with the game officials can only result in her getting put on the street at 16 years of age.


  • Nocturne

    Welcome to the board Butterfliez!

    All the advice people here will give to you is great. Whether or not you want to be disfellowshipped, I would avoid that meeting with the elders at all cost. Is your brother a JW? If not, would it be possible to ask him for help in case things get ugly with you grandmother? I was in a similar situation as you as a teenager, wasn't able to do anything, but I let things and other people control my life instead of me being in control of my own life. You've got a good head on those shoulders, and I hope things work out for the best.


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