Girl Scout Cookies are the Work of the Devil

by Xena 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • bisous

    Kiss Me, Satan!

  • LittleToe

    I suddenly have this overwhelming desire to go out and buy a box of "After Eight" mint chocolates.
    "It's just a wafer thin mint..."

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper
    "It's just a wafer thin mint..."

    Cue many Pythonesque script quotes. Actually I watched 'Life of Brian' last night for the first time in years and nearly died laughing on the floor

    All I said was that this halibut was good enough for Jehovah

    Anyway, is there any way to get these girl guides to deliver to the UK? I'll have 3 packs of everything!

  • LittleToe


    Anyway, is there any way to get these girl guides to deliver to the UK? I'll have 3 packs of everything!

    Hopefully . And maybe some girlscouts might trail behind them, trawling their culinary wares

    (btw - Python Rocks!!!)
    And now for something completely different...

  • blondie

    There was never ever anything in the WTS publications on buying GS cookies. I always bought them and knew many JWs including elders' wives who did. It was considered a conscience matter. I just never told anybody so it wouldn't "stumble" anyone. I knew a CO's wife that loved them and would buy as many boxes from me as she could.


  • Momofmany

    When I cannot get thin mints, I get Keebler's grasshoppers. Or if I feel like a good drink, 1/3 creme de mint, 1/3 creme de cocoa, and 1/3 creme. Liquid grasshoppers.

  • Xena

    bisous I had you pegged as a fellow if we could just get Dave and LT to dress up in Girl Scout dresses kilts and have them hand deliver a few boxes.....oh the heights of decadence that could be reached...

    Grasshoppers Mom??? Why did they have to name a cooke after an bug? It just ain't right, I'm tellin ya!

    I should buy a few dozen Satan's Little Helper and bring them next time I make the jaunt to Britian....*sigh* who am I kidding they would never survive until then....but it was a good thought, wasn't it???

  • gumby

    I have one gift in life. I can eat ALL the girlscout cookis I want. I can eat all the oreo's and milk I want. I can eat my ass off and still keep the same weight. I'm a lucky bastard ain't I? Hooter smokers are slimmer than non-hooter smokers that eat the same amounts. People need to smoke more hooter then they could eat all the chocolate they wanted.


    *gumby goes to bed and dreams of xena showing up in a girlscout outfit*

  • SheilaM

    Oh I know my daughter came over and forced a box filled with boxes of Girl Scout cookies on me. She had spent $40.00 on cookies and was panicked cause she had been eating them non-stop....I froze the rest LOL
    I was a Girl Scout and can't believe I was selling this evil


  • flower

    I'm happy to say it has been three years since my last thin mint. The first year was tough but now I just run past them in the train station and outside of the stores without even looking.

    Fortunately, there are no girl scouts in my family, I dont think I could resist it if my niece ever became a pusher, even from 500 miles away!

    Good luck fellow addicts!

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