Were YOU Considered A "Good Example" In The Congregation???

by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends


    I think I was ignored for the most part, which may have been a blessing in disguise.

    When I moved from Atlantic Canada to Toronto, the congregation I was attending, were...sort of 'going through the motions', but I was gone for 6 weeks at one point, and I even missed making my pioneering hours, and I did not receive a call (telephone/visit).

    I remember going to my last meeting, and it was like.....bizarre! Only a couple of people came over to see how I was doing, the rest....the same old, same old.

    Honestly, I don't think I was a 'bad' example, but I wasn't necessarily a 'good' one.

    It's funny, I'm sitting here and just remembering things, and it's very....peculiar and a little sad.

  • blondie

    Mostly, yes, I was considered a good example up until I started missing meetings.

  • drawcad_1

    No, but my wife is. One of those spiritually single parents who is successfully bringing up children without any help. Or at least no spiritual help. Let?s see, she doesn?t have to work so that means her time in the filed ministry can be increased and we live a little better than the rest of the congregation, so she can give a little more. So, she is a fine example.

  • m0nk3y

    Actually when I was like around 14 I lied to my mum one day that I was offered drugs and that I said no .. well then it was spread like wildfire all around the congregation by my mum .. the next thing I knew I was being asked and practically forced up on the platform by an elder to show such a good example to the other young ones about being strong *giggles* .. At the time I was so scared of just being up on the platform .. and it was all over a lie I told just to make mum think I was being a good boy. I had to go through with the lie over the platform .. so there I was telling all the congregation how I was offered drugs and I said "noooo" mmm kay.

    And for that night I was the congregation

    I fear I dirtied that reputation by revealing my gaysexuality years later .. I wonder if all the young ones had given up their drug habits by then


  • nobody told me
    nobody told me

    Elder and reg. pioneer(10 yrs), I guess that counts in dubworld. What a waste!!

  • stillajwexelder

    I was considered a pillar of the congregation and a hard working elder

  • undercover

    I guess I was. Appointed MS in my teens. Later I slipped and was removed, but after a couple of years I was reappointed and was being "groomed" for eldership. I was never displayed as an example, though. Never on meeting parts showcasing the "examplary" ones. Never on the assemblies.

    Like was mentioned before, it was good to keep a low profile. You didn't get a lot of praise or "atta-boys" but you never got in trouble or gave the congregation a bad name either. Laying low afforded you the oppurtunity to live a double life to some extent. That suited me just fine. I did what was required of me, but I went no further. I didn't want praise or congratulations nor did I want people sticking their nose in my business and finding fault with some things that I did.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    I was one of those " goody two shoes", you know, the kind you just love to hate.

    I was raised to be a full time "pioneer" , as were my 2 sisters ( both their husbands were elders). Dad was an elder, and I did the microphones and magazine counter at age 16. At 17 I became a full time pioneer. At 20 ( or 21) I was appointed to be a Ministerial Servant, and was being groomed ( what ever THAT meant) to be one of the new YOUNG elders ( you know, the arrogant kind that really knows nothing! HAH!).

    My family was considered one of the" pillars of the congregation" ( chuckle, chuckle). Yes, we all had "first class" tickets to that New World, coming in 1975!

    Of course, things started to unravel FAST, when one of my brother in laws was discovered " doing the nasty thing" ( adultry) with my sisters best friend; ( the WTBTS did nothing to enforce their disfellowship rule, because all the local elders in his congregation were EMPLOYED by him, and after all, he was SORRY--ugghhh!. Getting this sorry man to pay child support to his 3 children AFTER my sister divorced him took 2 lawyers and "CEASARS court " and garnishment of tax return income through the court to make happen.) Just another Jehovahs Witness hypocritical soap opera! What an eye opener!

    ...and I decided at age 22 to go away to college to study architecture....the rest is history! I recieved a rather "late in life" education...of sorts!...chuckle And at this point in my life all of this is such ancient history ; I should write a book about this stuff!

  • Dansk

    Whenever there was a family item mine was chosen. Gosh, I could have some fun with that now....................

    Family on the platform:

    Me: "Stephanie, WHY did you say you didn't want to go to the kingdom hall?"

    Stephanie "Because it's crap!"

    Me: CRAP!

    Stephanie: "Yes, CRAP!"

    Karl: "She's right, dad! C-R-A-P!"

    Jody:" I have to agree! The whole caboodle is crap!"

    Dominic: "Yeah, sitting through that mundane, boring, week in, week out, stuff. CRAP!"

    Wife: "Well, you've got to respect their honesty. I mean, 'out of the mouths of babes'."

    Me: "You're right, darling. CRAP it is!"

    And now I'd like to hand over to our CRAPPY Presiding Overseer..............

  • wannaexit

    Yep, that was me the model dub citizen.

    Being a good example in the congregation is dependant on how many hours you spent in service and how many converts you make.

    Since I met this criteria I was considered a very mature and spiritual woman. I was used a lot for assembly parts.

    I found out later that there were brothers who were interested in me but backed off because they felt they could not live up to my standards. (how sad)

    Yes I had a stellar reputation. Many in the circuit still view me as such.

    If only they knew what's really going with me!!


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