Has The WT Allowed Outsiders to be Saved?

by NotFormer 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NotFormer


    This Reddit post suggests that the cessation of reporting hours isn't the only thing announced at the recent meeting. Can anyone in, or sufficiently well versed in JWdom confirm that the OP's understanding of this announcement correct?

  • Diogenesister

    oh my goodness that is one heck of a change if true.

    People are saying 'whats the point of being A witness' and you can see theyve been raised in a works based religion in asking such a question!!! Quite sad really.

  • FFGhost

    It kind of makes you wonder, doesn’t it?

    Doctrinally, this is a sea change. Arguably the biggest since the change in definition of a “generation”.

    As the Reddit guys are all saying, what’s the point of being a JW if you can repent 5 minutes after the unmistakable “destruction of Babylon the Great”, the demise of every single religion on the face of the earth?

    The few remaining JWs capable of thought will be utterly devastated if they think this through.

    Imagine a “true believer”….years, decades, an entire lifetime of self-sacrifice “for the kingdom”. No education, no career, no hobbies, no retirement savings, nothing.

    Then, the “great tribulation” starts and Joe Weakwitness, the guy who bucked “the system” and got his university degree, and had a nice career, a big house, the latest cars, 2 or 3 vacations per year….suddenly says “Woops, I guess they got it right after all” and jumps in line, and has the identical chance for salvation as all the other “good JWs”.

    Imagine the true believer working all this out in his head….imagine the sense of betrayal, of loss, of a wasted life….

    So maybe, the GB decides to “sneak in” this utterly devastating news behind the “flashier” news of “no more reporting of hours”. Maybe they think people will be so gob-smacked about that, true believers won’t notice that they’ve just had the rug pulled out completely.

  • notsurewheretogo

    Yes the GB are saying that some "during" the GT will be saved by either turning to Jehoover or as in all here in our cases "return" to Jehovah.

    Perfect! I'll tell the elders if they ever bug me that I'll do what Sanderson said might occur...I'll return if the GT starts.

  • Drearyweather

    Are these Reddit posts real?

    In one post, the poster says that his great-grandson called and said that two regular pioneers from a super PIMI family immediately quit pioneering after the annual meeting and no one from the family went to the meetings.

    In another post, the same poster said that his grandson called and said that several elders and their wives from nearby congregations met together at that house after the annual meeting and unanimously decided that they were quitting as elders.

  • enoughisenough

    I don't know why I stayed in for 50 years before "waking up". I never thought counting time was right and resented it. I always believed that others besides JW would be saved at the end ( because a great mixed crowd came out of Egypt with the Israelites and Moses and Jesus told about the workers coming in at the end of the work day and getting the same pay as those who worked all day ) ( Let's hope more and more leave because of this.)

  • WingCommander

    I agree with FFGhost above. This doctrine change is probably the largest in my lifetime, even bigger than the "Generation" changes.

    Every single JW that was a hardcore, time-counting, "Good JW" will 100% think that about that scenario above, about how the weak-ass JW's who did whatever the hell they wanted can just get right in line to be "Saved" at the last moment. That is really, really, REALLY infuriating, and also completely negates the "Hailstone message".

    It also takes away something for the "Good JW's" to look forward to. How so? Well the ones that sacrificed every damn thing in their lives for this cult, were absolutely 100% looking forward to seeing these scummy, weak-ass JW's and worldly people destroyed during the GT and the Big A. Now, they get to see them pull a last-minute "Opps! I messed up, I repent and accept that WatchTower was right all along! Hallelujah I'm saved!!!!" And then stroll right into the Paradise with a grin and a smirk.

    Yeah, there's going to be a lotta chapped asses and PIMI's waking up from THIS change! It is MIND-BLOWING for anyone who's sacrificed for this cult for any amount of time. (like their entire childhood and 20's, 30's, the best years of one's life)

    This is NOT the religion I was raised in. This is so far removed from the 1980's that is basically become an Apostate parody of itself. If you could hop in Doc Brown's time-machine DeLorean with an iPad filled with this current GB's nonsense (Splane's Generation chart, anyone?) and go back to the year 1984 and show a Congregation of JW's what 2024 is like, they'd run your ass right out of the KH, probably throwing old green bibles at your head.

  • Ron.W.
    This is NOT the religion I was raised in. This is so far removed from the 1980's that is basically become an Apostate parody of itself. If you could hop in Doc Brown's time-machine DeLorean with an iPad filled with this current GB's nonsense (Splane's Generation chart, anyone?) and go back to the year 1984 and show a Congregation of JW's what 2024 is like, they'd run your ass right out of the KH, probably throwing old green bibles at your head.

    Totally agree!!!


    My mind went the other way. I tried to imagine the religion ten years from now...

  • Teddnzo

    Has anyone got specific details of what was said at the AGM that made everyone say this is a huge change?

    I haven’t seen all the AGM yet but I talked to someone who has and asked him about this change and he said no nothing about that was said.

    we have to be careful listening to unsubstantiated rumours that turn out to be bogus

  • WingCommander

    Your friend is full of shit! These changes are already up on the JW's official website and app. The actual full-length video has been leaked! You can view it ALL, in context.

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