It's -34, and I'm shoveling snow!

by Nosferatu 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    Yeah, it's -34 degrees celcius, windchill is in the -50s (I guess their scale doesn't go any lower) and the boss came by to ask me to shovel snow. Various schools have been closed, apparently it's colder here than many places up north, and here I am, an electronics technician who just finished a college course which half was paid by the company, and I'm shoveling snow. The measley 24 cent raise I got this year isn't worth it. I have arthritis in my knees, and I can barely walk right now. I'm stiff as hell, and people keep asking why I'm limping.

    Sorry, just had to rant.


    Nos...I hear ya man!

    I think the coldest I experienced was when I lived in Regina, Saskatchewan back in 1992 (during one of their so called, mild winters). Still, that being said: -47C

    Thankfully, it was still. Not a breeze.

    Nos, your knees hurtin'? Get those longjohns on, or some good thermals, as I used to be bad for that as a kid/teenager. I hated wearing them, but later on....let me tell you, from an old fart like me, you'll be glad to wear them. If you are wearing them, good. But maybe an additional pair may help.

    Take it easy: bundle up!

  • stillajwexelder

    nosferatu - -now that is fu----g cold!

  • Dansk

    Hey Nos, I'm really sorry for you. Just - 5 here and snowing.

    Keep your zipper closed or it'll drop off!


  • Elsewhere

    Damn boy!!! Get yo a$$ indoors!!!! Dat's frigg'in coooooold!!!

  • gumby

    Hey Nos,

    I too know about hurting joints. I have arthritis im my back, kness....and little everywhere else. Cold weather sucks for people with bad joints. I hate the cold and can't wait till summer gets it's ass here.

    Try some of the arthritic's works a bit......just don't touch your pee pee or your eyes after you put it on, as it's like ben-gay. I take celebrex also.


  • Sunnygal41

    Nos!!! {{{{{{warm hug}}}}} Just to let you know you are not alone in your suffering.........I have no heat in my car and I've been driving to and from work in single digit cold...............I've had enough of this CRAP!!!

  • Sassy

    Nos, I feel for ya.. I remember days like that..

  • Sentinel

    ...well the good thing about it is you probably are too numb to realize how much it hurts.

    Wait until later, when you get inside and thaw.


  • peacebaby

    I feel for ya, too! Here in northern Indiana, our weather is very unpredictable from year to year. The States still use the farenheight scale - it's probably lots colder there than I think! We've had some very mild recent winters - last year it was 60 degrees[f] the second week of January. Hubby was upset - no ice on the lakes for ice fishing! The worst I can remember was the winter of '78-9. We got a couple of feet of snow with strong winds - they calculated the temp as -70 degrees.Fall To Pieces Lots of people lost their electricity - which is the bad thing. Everybody with a snowmobile was out helping neighbors. It took 4 days to dig the roads out with front-end loaders and dump trucks! Don't really need to see that again! .....But then our summers are typically hot and humid. So name your poison!

    Shivering It's cold here now - 15[f] for the high - 3 tonite. The whole northern half of the US, too. I agree with all the old farts(sorry!)- bundle-up! Layers! Extra socks & long underwear! A big fuzzy hat! I'm fartin' dust myself, and really get it in the neck, back and shoulders to shovel. But I do it when it needs done, like around the mail box after the snow plow goes thru. A couple of years ago I permanently damaged my elbow by shoveling a path to the wood pile - like tennis elbow but not as much fun. So I'm not as enthusiastic as I once was, and I listen better to my body parts when they scream,"Stop!" And I take it slower - shuffling along like all wise ol' farts should learn to do!

    Plus, if I whine a little, hubby will rub my shoulders till his fingers go numb.... he appreciates my efforts! Heart Eyes

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