Is This Winter Harsh Where You Live?

by shamus 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    Upstate here its been the usual hell, snow, cold, wind.

    Glad to see that "global warming" is setting in.

    Oh yeah, global warming also makes it cold and snow a lot!

  • gumby

    It's been just above freezing here in the mornings in sunny Calif. Yesterday it didn't get above 47 for the high. It's been raining all day and is suppose to stay that way for the next 4 days. It's definately been a different winter here. A less than a month ago, we had two feet of snow here was it dosen't usually snow. Yes sir e bob.....been a harsh one.........I still think 'armageddon's just around the corner or else we wouldn't be having this strange weather'.

    *hears his mothers voice telling him to say that*


  • bebu

    Hee hee hee. Guess I should stick around here.

    Today in the Pacific Northwest it was a very nice day--no rain (believe it or not!) even though a bit cloudy. Sun poked thru a lot. The temp was in the 50s, I think. I wore a sweatshirt over my t-shirt. Can't believe it was probably warmer than CA.

    We had a big storm 2 weeks ago, though the lowest temps were perhaps in the 20s. The snow was gone in 4 days.


  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    Shamus, we watched the same newscast. I have this urge to try it. back in 10 minutes.


    TONS of it!

    I'm in Toronto, and we got walloped pretty good.

    Not as bad as the snowstorm of January 1999.

    But it's annoying in a big metropolis, as everything is so close together, so driving and walking is ridiculous.

    It had been snowing almost 36 hours until Tuesday early evening.

    The temperature is about -5C right now. But once the sky clears: it'll be frigid again.

    Too bad this storm was on my days off. Damn.

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    Shamus, it worked! That was fun (but cold). I made snow. LOL Like we need more.....

  • jgnat

    OK, my honey now considers me certifiable. I just came outside from doing the water test. (thanks for the idea, Concerned Mama!). It is minus 35C out there, that is -33F. Water did not freeze immediately upon hitting my cement step, it took somewhere between five and ten seconds.

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    OK, Jgnat, we are both wacky today. LOL.

    I tossed mine really high in the air and I think it gave it a bit more hang time .

  • jgnat

    That'll teach me for skipping the news. NObody told me you hadta THROW it!

  • FlyingHighNow

    Here is a Fahrenheit to Celcius/ Celcius to Fahrenheit calculator:

    Here in Michigan the winter was mild until early January. I was out on the porch with bare feet, I hate shoes, in the first few days of January. It was 42 degrees! More like the winters I am used to down south. Then winter hit and has hardly let up. We've had several below zero days, that is in Fahrenheit. Today our restaurant/gift shop had to close at 2PM due to the snow and wind that was blowing the snow. We got 8 inches today and it's still snowing.

    -31 celcius for a high Shamus

    That's still -23 fahrenheit, Shamus. pretty dang cold. I remember the winter of 76-77 the temps being below zero fahrenheit for over thirty days. The coldest was -28 or -33.33 celcius and the windchill was -40 fahrenheit. That is for Chicago. I wonder what the temps were up in Canada at the time.

    At least we aren't having to deal with pollen.


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