disfellowshipped for having a personal opinion based on WT

by Leslie 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • peacefulpete

    You are in an unenviable position. You clearly believe the JW religion to be agents of God but are outside their favor. Millions are presently in your shoes. Suffice to say many here have eventually come to see things differently. Whatever your conclusions are, know you are welcome to vent or ask any questions from others here.

  • LostintheFog1999

    The other problem is that elders have different personalities and opinions.

    I have seen in the past two individuals who both committed the same sin (according to the WT definition of a sin) apply to be reinstated. The first person met with the 'entrenched in their way' three elderly elders who weighed up the evidence and said NO emphatically.

    The second person met with three different elders two of whom were newly appointed. This trio looked at the evidence and welcomed this second person back wholeheartedly.

    I think you have seen something similar with your experience.

    But that in itself shows that in spite of the prayers said by elders asking for divine guidance it is clear that holy spirit isn't directing their decisions. It's just men. And mostly opinionated men desperate to cling on to their high ranking status of elder by towing the company line.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    "Is there a way you can read In search of Christian Freedom by Raymond Franz and remain in this religious organization? 😂 ""

    Um, no.

  • enoughisenough

    haven't been following all of this, but if one reads In Search of Christian Freedom, why would they want to stay in the JW organization?

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Because once you read Ray Franz's books....you then realize what you been "hoodwinked" to believe,,is a lie.

    You cant deny it.

  • LostintheFog1999

    I got my copy of "In Search Of Christian Freedom" from this site.


  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    "In Search of Christian Freedom".

    Beautiful book, well researched, methodical and amazing recounts of personal experiences.

    Kudos to this book. Hope it gets re-released.

    On a personal note....I thought it was more hard - hitting than "Crisis of Conscience"" . CoC was more about "organization structure"'.

    Of course,,I'm not taking anything away from CoC....it is a masterpiece also!!!

  • Foolednomore

    It's Watchtower 's and Elder's way or the Highway! No opinion! Total North Korea.

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