Coke or Pepsi ???

by dh 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • dh

    i have had three cans of coke sitting on my desk for three weeks, i wanted a drink a few minutes ago so i just went to 7 eleven and bought a pepsi, reminded me of this post!

    go figure! just think the calories i burned JUST to get a pepsi, of course it's the healthier option!

    pepseeeeee where do you think you going with my pepseeeeee

  • drwtsn32
    taking amino acids out of their natural form can cause problems.

    Where is the proof of this? Aspartame is so widely used in the US that if it were truly harmful, wouldn't we see millions of people getting ill from it?

    I drink TONS of diet pop and have for probably the past 15 years. It is not uncommon for me to drink a gallon of god's nectar each day. I am basically in perfect health as confirmed by my last physical. I am on no medications, rarely get sick, etc. I am out of shape but that's because I don't's not the fault of nutrasweet.

    I tend to dismiss the entire article you posted simply because they blame so many diseases on nutrasweet. As the national MS society has said, those claims are unfounded. But...I have re-read the stuff you posted and am intrigued by the explanation that methanol is bad in aspartame because there is no ethanol to counteract it. I'm gonna do some research and see what I find.

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