Mean things that Elders have done

by galaxy7 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • avishai

    Covered up child molesting, raising a fist at me, beating up my mother, giving her permanent nerve damage in her wrists.

    When my dad had cancer, he was pretty weak. When he was doing the reading for the WT study, he had to sit down. They told him he needed to stand up, as it looked "unseemly" He nearly fainted on stage. Oh, and hardly any of his friends came to visit over the six mo. he was dying. I've got more.

  • shamus

    It was just they're uncaring attitude. They truly seemed like overbearers. They were strange and unapproachable. Everything that you did you seemed to feel bad about. So what do you talk to them about?

    They were an odd bunch to say the least

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    ((((to all of you)))

    sadly I think we all have more -- a lot more

    but hey - we are finally free

    Maybe if they had been nicer we would be still stuck there

    Three cheers for nasty elders who helped us out the door

  • shamus

    That is an excellent attitude, Lady Lee! Advice that you gave me a long time ago (relitively speaking) and I always try to practice!

  • freedom96

    Why can't more people realize how unloving the organization is as a whole. I know there are some good people in it, but listen to these stories, and I know that is not even the beginning. The halls are a breeding ground for hatred and judging.

  • darkuncle29

    Df the youngest sister of my best friend. Why? She divorced her husband because he was gay. He didn't get DFd.

  • TheOldHippie

    Very bleak and small in relation to what is told here, but I remember some time after I resigned as an elder for the first time, because of disagreeing with another one on his ways and manners, that I had commented at a WT study that perhaps the congregation should take a bit better care of the children, talking to them at the meetings etc. - and he did not like that comment and so when I left, he stood outside together with another elder and yelled at me who did I think I was since I was in opposition to the GB and therefore JC and JG themselves, and he closed by raising his fist at me and yelling that "Just you wait! I'll never forget this!" Today he's left, lunatic as he was.

    "How dare you raise complaints about that special pioneer elder, don't you know he is being used by the Society, whereas you are but a common, small elder!" shouted the CO at me a year before I resigned as an elder for the second time, this time because of disagreement with that CO and the whole board of elders on how much to socialize with df'ed family members.

    "She's a mean lump of leaven, destroying your family" the same CO said to me at an elders' meeting during his visit, because I had attended my df'ed daughter's wedding - and that was AFTER she had asked for reinstatement, and had been told she was de facto reinstated, but one week before the statement was read in the congregtion. So in the meantime, after de facto reinstatement, but before it was announced, she was rotten, according to the CO.

    Summing it up, the COs and their bunch of "yes-men" elders were the reason I resigned - but remain, hoping for reform .....

  • HadEnuf

    Ahhhhhh...I love these venting threads! So many mean little time to tell about them all.

    When my husband had to step down from being a MS because he needed to take care of me while I was seriously ill...they announced that he had been "removed". Now you might not think this is much to complain about...but he was the Accounts servant at that time and some people in the congregation thought he had been removed because of monkey-business with the accounts. Arghhhhhhhh...that really hurt my husband.

    Then they "marked" my son for marrying an unbaptized publisher who had been "in da troof" all her life (and was preparing for baptism)...but they didn't even give him any warnings and marked him (in two congregations) the week before the wedding. Thus they encouraged a boycott of the wedding...which really hurt. They also boycotted the kid's wedding shower without telling us. No one showed up. The elders had forbidden any of their wives or the MS wives to attend so everyone else followed suit. Lady Lee said...If they hadn't been so mean we might have still been imprisoned in their cult. But it still hurts to this day .


    As a 60 year old brother, with 30 years in the Org. I damaged my back which turned out to be an exploded disk, I was literally on my back for four months recovering. When I eventually went back to the meetings, I was taken off the "privilege" of carrying the microphones because of an "inconsistent" field service record ! When I approached the elders to discuss this they said it was a ministerial servant who had taken me off - I approached this brother and showed him this blatant lie. As we all know (in the Org) ministerial servants are not privvy to the hours reported, and it certainly wasn't in this case. When elders were confronted by myself, they did there usual trick of ignoring the matter but not correcting it.

    This is just a small snippet - like most of you of this forum, I could write a book about the lies, conduct and unchristian acts that they do in the name of Jehovah


  • Sassy

    Forcing me to take back my husband even though they knew he was pushing me to suicidal tendancies. Lying to others that they asked to let him stay with them, that I was going to take him back before I said I would, thus forcing my hand.

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