Are You Going To The Memorial This Year?

by minimus 104 Replies latest jw friends

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I doubt that my wife will invite me this year

    If I offer to go she'll be wetting herself wondering what I am up to. Probably offer to tie my hands to my chair when the emblems come around.

    I would love to go to the Feb 15 Mag WT study, but the temptation to put my hand up would be irresistable and would have serious implications for our relationship, so I'd better stay home.

  • blondie

    No, when Jesus celebrated it he was amongst friends. Can't find that at the KH. I should go and just eat the bread and drink the wine. I'm afraid that the wine might not make it to my row after I eat the bread.


  • mouthy

    First of all Jesus said "DO THIS ALL OF YOU" so their memorial is a disobediant act. No one takes.( except those whos hope is in the heavens-) My hope is in the heavens,but because it is a differant Jesus( Micheal the Ark Angel) I could NOt partake there. I know some who have found out it is a lie & have gone to partake to shock others, but in MY opinion this is NOT love. O.K. I know I shock a lot of you in jest!( On some threads) but this is dealings with GOD!!!Forget the Watch Tower "biggies" they are false prophets! Dont give them the power of counting bodies & printing how amazing they are to collect so many followers

  • avishai

    But, but, ummmm, Grace, My leisure suit is sooooo cooool! Awwww, dangit, your right. Darn!

  • TresHappy

    The Annual False Prophets Meal - Heck no!

  • minimus

    If you're afraid you won't get the bread and wine, just bring your own.

  • PurpleV

    April 4?? That's Palm Sunday! I have other plans!

    Do the dubs have to go twice to the kh on Sunday, or are they making up the meeting?

    That was always the worst part of the memorial.... FOUR meetings in one week! Arrghhh...

  • minimus

    Good question, Purple V. Are there going to be 2 meetings on Sunday to put Witnesses "in the mood"?

  • willyloman

    Society instructions are there is never any other meeting on the day of the memorial (except for field service, of course). If memory serves, last time there was a Sunday memorial the Kingdom Ministry suggested elders reschedule the WT study, and we held it on Saturday afternoon. Attendance was skimpy.

  • minimus

    Some elders LOVE scheduling meetings-----even when they know no one will be attending.

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