Women's Fashion Woes...a fluffy rant

by Frannie Banannie 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    I was always very shortwaisted (when I had a waist) and some clothes looked really odd on me, like blouses tucked in. I really hated that, and always wore over blouses or tops that didn't tuck. Mom altered dresses to fit me, because the waists were in the wrong place (too low). My cousin was very long waisted, and I used to tell her that she got the midriff they left off on me. She hated being long waisted. I also had long legs, longer than hers, and she was 3 inches taller. Obviously we couldn't wear each others clothes.

    (groans) Mulan! I'm long-waisted, too....every dress or jumpsuit with a waist is too short-waisted for me and those long-line bras dropped on me, too, cause my waist fell below the long-line...so there I was with my "charismatic boobies" going wild in public places....(chagrin)

    I saw her at an awards show and she had a dress on with horizontal stripes. IT MADE HER LOOK FAT!!!

    She looked really really not that great... LOL! It was really horrible. I still can't get over it!

    LOL, Shamus! Get over it....horizontal stripes make EVERYONE look fat!

    Frannie B

  • SheilaM

    You can wear decorative straps on your bra, those are in style. They have beautiful ones.

    They also have brasthat are just stickies that you can put on so as not to be nipply.

    Shamus: Hot for 30...well since many beautiful hot woman over 30 I would hope so, your 34???

    Joanna what type of bras are they? I like Victoria Secrets but have trouble finding my cup size

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    I have boobies that filled with holy spirit!! And here I thought it was fat.

    ROFL, JoannaD! Yeah, JanG "clued me in" to this....http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/58980/1.ashx ("JanG and the Charismatic Boobies")

    However, Miss Eyegirl turned me on to the BEST BRA IN THE WORLD!

    I now have clevage up to my chin, and oh so comfy! I can use them as a desk if I want, or a head rest for quick naps. IT ROCKS!

    OK, JoannaD!!!! SHARE!

    Frannie B

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    OMG Frannie Hubby was waving those at me in the store the other day. I wasn't sure if I should let people know I was with him or grab them and put them on his head


    They also have brasthat are just stickies that you can put on so as not to be nipply.

    hmmm, Sheila...somehow the thought of these reminds me of the pasties we used to glue on with spirit gum...(blech) But the decorative bra straps sound loverly....as long as they don't compete with the ensemble....I'd like to see some.

    Frannie B

  • SheilaM

    http://brastraps.com/ Here is a link with a bunch of different straps

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    WOW, Sheila! I went there and they ARE pretty! Now those would be "interesting" peeking out from under a sleeveless blouse or something, chere!

    Frannie B

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    what a neat idea

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