Quick Introduction

by Nocturne 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • smurfette

    Welcome Nocturne!

    You sound like you're in a pretty similar situation to my own down to the pressured to get baptised young by my single mom and the "If you were to leave the truth..." speeches. I wish you the best of luck in whatever you decide to do.

    I left "the truth" 10 years ago when I graduated high school. For me personally, although my mom took it hard, she did not "die". It was hard at first, but it got easier with time. I would not go back or change my decision for anything! I learned later that the speeches my mom used to give me have a name...emotional blackmail.

    Best of luck to you - Smurfette

  • Maverick

    Welcome! Where the mind goes the body will follow! Sometimes the body gets stuck and the mind runs ahead,( pardon the pun)! Keep this in mind, you are not alone. Just imagine who and how many people at the Kingdum Hall really know it's a lie and are stuck going like you are? And it's not just the young, many people have doubts, some are just better actors than others! Maverick

  • Gopher

    Welcome to the board, Nocturne!! So glad you're here.

    Based on your name, perhaps you're a nocturnal (night-time) creature? Or maybe you post on the board nocturnally after your mom is "noct" out?

    Anyhow we hope you keep coming here for your fill of "real" truth to counteract the "troof" they try to indoctrinate you with at the Kingdom Hall. And this discussion board can be quite fun too! Good for you that you have the sense (at an early age) to begin thinking independently. Rather than being dangerous (as the Watchtower teaches), you only improve your awareness and thinking ability by questioning things and reading and educating yourself. Way to go, Nocturne!

  • shotgun

    Welcome nocturne

    Interesting that you use the term Emotional Blackmail..have you read the book entitled Emotional Blackmail...it's worth the read if you haven't.

    Either way it's good you recognize it for what it is, a tactic to make you please her instead of yourself.

    Enjoy your time here

  • Yerusalyim


  • xjw_b12

    Sounds like you are in a tough situation. You will find compassion and help here though.

    Be warned though, as many here will tell you, it will be increasingly difficult to be a pretend JW and go through the motions. Especially attending the meetings, when you begin to learn (which you have) off all the deception that has gone on and continues to go on.

    xjw_b12 "Millions Now Living Will Never Die Know"

  • Meg


  • cruzanheart

    Welcome, Nocturne! I can relate to your post too -- my mother was the Queen of Guilt Trips and I'm an only child too, so I got all of 'em. However, life DOES go on, your mother WON'T die if you don't do things her way, and it's YOUR life.

    I'm 48 now, married almost 21 years, and my mother is in a nursing home with Alzheimer's. She happily celebrates birthdays and holidays, and goes faithfully to church with the other little old ladies every Sunday in the cafeteria. She doesn't know me or anything else, but she's happy, so what's the harm? I deferred a lot to her, even after I got married, but gradually realized that it was MY life, not hers, and proceeded to act in a way that was good for me, so now I have a good support system and I don't feel lost because my mother isn't around to tell me what to do.



  • outnfree

    Just a quick fly by to say, "Welcome to the Board, Nocturne."


  • Emma

    Welcome Nocturne!

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