Quick Introduction

by Nocturne 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nocturne

    I've been lurking here for a few months now, and I've been wanting to post for awhile now but I've never really been up to it. I first stumbled upon the information about the wtbts being an NGO for 10 years in September, and ever since i've been finding out about all the other things the society has been up to. As of now, I'm still going to the meetings, but now my eyes have been truly opened, and I can see things in a whole new perspective, and it's amazing the deception that's going on in the organization. But there are still circumstances that prevent me from completely leaving for now.

    I completely relate to SC_Guy's situation, since I'm living a similar situation as he is. My mom raised me alone, and I've pretty much followed the JW teachings since she started studying. Under a lot of pressure from her I got baptized when I was 14, a big mistake since I definitely wasn't ready for that. My mom uses emotional blackmail, she says stuff like "I would just die if ever you were to leave the truth", and it just makes me sick that she resorts to such tactics. Being an only child also means my mom is very overprotective, thus I'm stuck in a bad situation for now. Well, I look forward to posting more in the future, and getting to know everyone here better.


  • micheal

    It's really great to have you here Nocturne. I'm sure you'll learn alot more while being here. I sure have.

  • maybesbabies

    Welcome Nocturne!!! I hope all turns out well for you, and for the other members here in similar, difficult situations.

  • Nosferatu

    Welcome to the board!

    It sounds like you're still living with your mother which makes for an even more difficult situation. If you're under legal age, it's even worse.

  • onacruse

    Hiya, nocturne

    What I've learned here in the last year and a half has opened my eyes in ways that I never imagined; several folks said "You just wait...pretty soon you'll believe this and won't believe that," and I laughed out loud "No way!"




  • jst2laws

    Welcome Nocturne,

    I have been here for about two years and I still come regular to learn. Either I'm sloooowww, are there is a lot to gain here.

    Hope to hear more from you in the future.


  • dustyb

    yep, waaassup bee. i've been here 2 weeks, but i know it all now. but i'm in pretty much your situation (give or take a g/f and her family and such). I'm not baptised tho (ty god =D) you'll start seeing the picture clearer. i was in oral communications calss today and the teacher said that if you hear words like, everybody, nobody, actually, evidentally (etc etc etc), that a lightbulb in your head should pop up and question, because if they say these words, they are ALWAYS (heh, imagine the irony) going to be wrong. welcome and good luck in your research.

  • alias

    Hello there and Welcome!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Hi Nocturne,

    Welcome to the forum. I hope you get as much fun, help, and enjoyment here as I have.

    I see you are in a difficult situation, as I am. I find things a bit of a tightrope walk with my family and wish I had spent more time here before I opened my big mouth.

    One thing I have learned here is that there is plenty of time, armageddon is coming no time soon and there is ample time to sow seeds of doubt in famiy members without appearing to be an apostle of Satan.

    If you take it easy and just ask your Mum the right questions at the right time and get her to think for herself you may be able to take her with you, rather than become the bane of her life.

  • shamus

    Hi! Welcome!

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