Has anyone ever personally written to the Society?

by seeitallclearlynow 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Siddhashunyata

    I wrote a letter asking since Jesus was Michael , is it possible that he was proving two things at once . That both men and angels can be faithful. The response was basically a warning not to push ahead etc. etc. It was'nt too long before the idea showed up in the WT. I never wrote again except to ask their help when my "pioneer" wife left me. Their response was "boiler plate" but it was the rubber stamp at the bottom that got me the most ........"Your Brothers, Watchtower Bible & Tract Society"

  • stillajwexelder

    Yes I did and I got a nice reply --they admitted that I had a point and that they could have used better terminology (Can not tell you what I sent and pointed out as it would reveal my identity)

  • Piph

    I did, I had a question about the meaning of a line from one of the songs. They spelled my name wrong and didn't answer the question in depth...I was left still not knowing what the answer was. LOL I felt very, very disappointed.

  • Amazing

    I once wrote to the Society about serious problems in the congregation ... my letter was addressed to Don Adams, the head of their legal department at the time ... two years later the Society responded, via James McCabe of their legal department. He told me that the local congregation met and determined that I had Disassociated myself. I never wrote back to the Watchtower Society again. - Jim Whitney

  • seattleniceguy

    I wrote them on several occasions. Each time, I received a reply, though it took about three months. There was never any interesting information in the letters. Mainly they just referred to WT and Awake articles. The letters I received all looked something like this.

    Dear Brother Seattle,

    We have received your letter dated December 12, 1998. Regarding your inquiry, the Watchtower of June 1, 1987 states thus-and-such. An earlier Awake (8/8/1984) makes a similar statement on page 23. We hope this answers your question.

    We pray that Jehovah's rich blessing will continue upon you.

    Your brothers,
    Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.

    I agree with Piph - I was always excited to receive the letter, but the contents left me disappointed. It always felt a bit like a backhanded admonishment to look up the answers in the literature instead of writing.


  • Nosferatu

    I should write a letter to the Society asking if it's okay to eat your cat when you're single, got a part time job and pioneering

  • fearnotruth22

    I am sure that the Society gets tons of mail, so does the Preisdent of the US, the Mayor, the gov, etc,,,

    Do you really think these guys read the mail? Or do cheese and crackers men read it? Anyway, I'm sure that if you are still a jw, it is a sure way to get in trouble because they will contact the elders in your cong and they will have a liitle talk with you and try to help you with your spiritual weakness.

    It will not help you individually if you write to the WT will your cause. You are suppose to go through the chain of command by talking to the elders with your concerns and with what is distrurbing you.

    I THINK that it does help for people to write to the Society with their concerns. Because although you won't get any satisfaction from them, if many people write about the same thing, the WT will give it their attention because of the public and numerous complaints, and that in my opinion forces a change or at least disturbs and concerns them that so many people, or jws are jhaving the same concerns.

    However, personally, I think it is smarter not to write to the WT unless you are ready for your elders deal with you and with your letter whether you are df or not, your elderes will get to know about your letter.


    Only once...they replied saying I "should" refer to the WT publications for the information. They in effect told me to not write to them because the question was answered once...in some obscure Wt publication.

    Well ... @#$% off then!!!

    Oooooops ... did I say that out loud ...?


  • searcher

    I wrote to the London Bethel when I was studying, I included a list of books and asked if they would send them to me, because they are free, right?

    I got a letter back telling me to ask the Elder I was studying with for them, he nearly crapped when I showed him the letter, "erm......erm.......they are very expensive to produce you know"

    He did give me a few of his wifes books, but not many, seems like they are not so free after all.

  • onacruse

    Yeah, a couple of times. Merton Campbell answered; the first time (re: John 14:13, 14), was ok, sortof. The 2nd time (approx 1978 re: the "new" elder arrangement), told me in no uncertain terms to mind my own business.

    He might have had my one and only "Bethel review" letter in hand, where I was reprimanded for 'independent thinking.' LOL


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