
by Stefanie 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stefanie

    I was just remembering in the hall I attended, the "friends" would clap when someone got reinstated, then they stopped when there was a talk from the platform about it being inappropriate. I was just wondering why they say something like that. And it would seem to me that people going back in were doing them a favor, why would they be so cruel. I dont know if that was only the hall I went to or if its done everywhere.

    I was just reminded of this by the send your love from the platfrom thread but didnt want to get off topic.

  • minimus

    You're still not totally forgiven in the eyes of the Society. You haven't shown the congregation your sorrow and acts of repentance. Since you're still on restrictions and you've been shamed, don't think 1 little announcement's going to cancel all that out. You must remain guilt-ridden.

  • amac

    You're correct that they do not clap at reinstatements. It's ridiculous and so contrary to the human nature that God instilled in us. Their reasoning is that the person being reinstated should not be publicly congratulated for something they aught to be doing anyway. So much for the whole prodigal son thingy...

  • worldlygirl

    When they announced my (ex)husband's reinstatement, the people in the congregation clapped, but his a$$hole father just sat there without clapping. I asked him about it later (I've never been a JW - I was just there for the occasion) he politely explained to me that there was no need to clap - his son shouldn't have done anything to be disfellowshipped in the first place, so why should he reward him (with clapping??) for being reinstated. He mentioned that this had been discussed from the platform before and he couldn't understand why people continued to clap. Such a loving man.....

  • Gozz

    There might be any number of other reasons, but in a hall I used to attend, it was clear when someone was reinstated that it represented a victory for a faction of sorts in the KH, especially when the elders have been thought to be unkind, and the person concerned was loved by many. The Society wouldn't like that: why give glory to a human while Jehovah is there? The parable of the prodigal son is missed on them. Reinstatement, like every other such occasion (sp?) must be solemn, no, sad. Of course, clapping is appropriate for the "auxilliary 'pioneer'". Hypocrites.

  • Stefanie

    I hear you about the prodical son BullSh#t. It would make me happy to be able to talk to my "freinds" that came back. I was shocked when that happened, we already had ignored her for a year, the elders probably thought- why not give her one last kick in the teeth!-

  • Gopher

    The reason I heard....

    If someone had been offended and still hurt by the actions of the reinstated one (in case the offense was one of a personal nature), clapping would "hurt the feelings" of the reinstated person's victim.

    So just in case anybody else's feelings would be hurt (other than the reinstated one), the rule was to withhold applause.

    It's as if the GRUDGE continues to be held.

  • Stefanie

    Grudge? Well God damn if the person they had sinned against was truly in the "faith" then they should have forgiven them. If not then moved congregations. I remember when familes whould leave by the handful. I just remember it being ok to clap all them years until this one person was reinstated. Guess they sinned against an elder.

  • blondie

    Well, imagine this scenario, your molestor is being reinstated and everyone claps?

    Nothing is black and white.


  • worldlygirl

    You know, in spite of my previous post, now that I think about it I can see both sides of the coin. Let's say someone cheats on his wife and they get a divorce, but he's a good ol' boy so he gets a token 6 month DF then gets reinstated. Imagine how his wife would feel if people actually clapped when he was reinstated.

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