Sending "Love" from the Platform

by RubaDub 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Matty

    It's a great way of bragging about where you've been on holiday! If you've been somewhere exotic and expensive, you want the whole congregation to know! More echoes of Hyacinth Bucket I think!

  • pillsbury

    About 5-8 years ago (I don't remember exactly) they specifically instructed the elders (at least in the US) NOT to send their love with visiting speakers or visiting speakers to bring their love before they start their talks. They said in so many words "it was wasting too much time from the other parts on the meetings."

    They also said that brothers giving public talks should not say "thank you" right at the end before they come off the platform because they are assuming everyone is going to clap and it is bringing praise upon yourself.

  • shotgun

    It's always more appropriate to say at the end of your talk....I'd like to love each and every one of you, but I can't, I don't have the stamina anymore and I have put on the new personality and discarded the old one where I used to have sex all night in group orgies.

    We used to call them Pubic talks.

  • seattleniceguy
    They also said that brothers giving public talks should not say "thank you" right at the end before they come off the platform because they are assuming everyone is going to clap

    I guess that is a dangerous assumption. I certainly know I've been to many meetings where people just folded their arms and sat quietly, or outrightly booed after a talk.


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