What is the purpose of life?

by fearnotruth22 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Purple

    It depends on what is happening actually! At the moment my purpose in life is to live it successfully and try not to kill my x. Does life have a purpose? after all we dont get a say in whether we have life or not, so should we say what its purpose is?

    Or I could say that it sucks big time at the moment and I wouldnt mind if it ended, but I wouldnt do anything to hasten that ending?

    I could also say theat my x's purpose in life is to make sure mine is as miserable as possible but his neck will end up snapped if he ever crosses my path again?

    Whether or not I believe in anything has no influence on me at the moment cause I doubt that much beyond this realm exists. I know I dont want to live my life anymore anticipating the end of millions of lives. Especially as the only thing many of them were guilty of was living the life they had been supposedly gifted with in the first place!

    Sheesh I miss the days before the truth when I wasnt aware of all the stuff I am aware of now...innocence was bliss!

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    I feared leaving JWs as I saw no purpose in life without the god view I had been brainwashed to accept...

    but when I did leave, miracles of miracles, I did not find purpose and meaning to vanish...so I pondered this....

    I realized that there is NO meaning or purpose of life...there is only meaning and purpose found by the living.

    but what causes us to sense meaning?

    I found that meaning comes from being aware that my next step, my next act, my next gamble, will have consequences and either enhance or harm my contentment.

    and so that is the key... contentment is the state of being without anxiety, boredom, or suffering...and thing that causes that to change causes us to feel the need to make changes, to move...we feel e-motions[ latin for that which moves you ].

    in physics I learned that in order for any motion to take place from a dead stop here must be some imbalance of forces and likewise if something is already in motion there must be some new force to slow it down or speed it up.

    in the realm of ideas there are symbolic imbalances of forces which arise from comparisons of what you experience to what you think you should be experiencing instead... and a lot of that comes from trance induction via culture, religion and tradition which has brainwashed us from birth to reject the world we expeirence and work towards one which has been handed down as the ideal world.

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    here is something for any parent whos child screams at them: I NEVER ASKED TO BE BORN!!!!

    reply: so who is keeping you here now?

  • stillajwexelder

    to better ourselevs and have a share in improving the world around us for subsequent generations

  • JamesThomas

    in the realm of ideas there are symbolic imbalances of forces which arise from comparisons of what you experience to what you think you should be experiencing instead... and a lot of that comes from trance induction via culture, religion and tradition which has brainwashed us from birth to reject the world we expeirence and work towards one which has been handed down as the ideal world.

    Well said, Zen. It is so true, and via religious dogma especially so: we are heavily influenced to continuously reach past the only reality we have (this moment) to some imagined future. We eat but do not taste; we listen but do not hear; we look but do not see. Always reaching, but never touching. Entombed within an idea of life, never to be lived. The concept of "purpose" itself, motivates us to look for something other than the vibrant and naked beingness of this living moment. When we truly live-life, "purpose?" and "meaning?" are questions never ask. The Treasure is here. We're in it. We, are It. No one is excluded or cast out. j

  • fearnotruth22

    In my opinion, the purpose of life is to enjoy life to the fullest. Not only the physical pleasures but the intellectual and emotional pleasures . Also to love and to help your feloow man and to make his burden easier.

    The wt defines the chief purposse of life is to "worship God" but that means a lot of things ro a lot of people and that is an easy thing to say with billions of dollars underneath ones belt. The so caled worshiping God causes a lot of harm to imnnocent people and people in general,

    I think that God is going to do what he wants and has done waht he has wanted to do. Look at needlesly how many jws have been killed in persecution and how many jws nevr had children and never got married and have k=lived sacrificial lives but not only jws other rekigious fnanatics have lived sacrficial lives without God evr requiring it.

    OK if God really talked to the Prophets as the Bible states and they did what God instructed them. But jw's worship is deriived from Bible interpretation and not from conversing with God.

    All one can do is try to enjoy the life one has and to move foowars and try be live better and enjoy life more.

  • Sentinel

    I believe the purpose of life is to live our life now fully and completely and experience all we can in this beautiful life..right now. This is "life", not hoping for living life tomorrow, or next year or after armageddon, etc. This does not mean to live selfishly or lustfully for our own interests; but it means to seek the good and work towards compassion and love in all things.

    It doesn't mean meetings in buildings, service door to door or on street corners, speeches, talks, records, assemblies, hearings, announcements, shunning, labeling, guilt, fear.......

    It means relax and learn who you really are deep inside.


  • fearnotruth22

    Very Nice Post Sentinell. I share your feelings

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