Why do men have nipples?

by donkey 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tatiana

    dr.....I just put it in "layman's" terms.

  • Surreptitious

    There used to be a tribe out west that didn't have any nipples. A half a thousand of their braves ran a race one time. It was the first Indian Nippleless 500.

  • abbagail

    Thanks guys! I should've realized that... especially coming from a family of 8 females, five of which later formed that little male appendix, lol.

  • abbagail

    LOL @ Surreptitious.

    Did you actually just now think of that? Good one! :-D

    jaydubs truly are the wittiest witlesses worldwide.

  • onacruse

    What a bunch of jokers! LOL

    I was told that the Bible Students once thought that Adam was androgynous, and that the creation of Eve was really the "splitting" of Adam. Never have done any checking on that, so it may just be an urban myth...I'll see if I can find anything.

    But, if so, then donkey, there would be the answer to your question, eh? LOL


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    From http://radio.cbc.ca/programs/quirks/quiz9596.htm#Feb24

    Feb 24, Answer

    Hello, I'm Professor Patty Stuart-Macadam of the Department of Anthropology at the University of Toronto. Last week I asked if there is an example of a mammal species in the wild, in which the male lactates. The Dayak fruit bat from Malaysia - Dyacopterus spadiceus. In 1992 18 Dayak fruit bats were captured from a rainforest in the Krau Game Reserve, Pahang, Malaysia. Of the 10 mature males captured, each had functional mammary glands from which small amounts of milk were expressed. It is not known whether the males actually feed young. The reason this could happen is that a breast is a breast is a breast. Male lactation is physiologically possible and has been observed in some domesticated mammals and even humans. Dr. Robert Greenblatt says that milk production in human males can be stimulated by letting a baby suckle for several weeks. INdeed some males, either at birth or puberty, secrete milk. Historically male lactation has been noted by the explorer Humbolt, who spoke of a 32 year old man who brestfed his child for five months. It was even observed in a 55 year old Baltimore man who had been the wetnurse of all the children of his mistress!

    From: http://en2.wikipedia.org/wiki/Male_lactation

    Male lactation

    The phenomenon of male lactation in humans has become more common in recent years due to the use of medications that stimulate a human male's mammary glands. It is commonplace knowledge that human males have nipples. It is not so often understood that they also have mammary glands. Ordinarily the mammary tissue is low in volume and cannot be noticed. Nevertheless, men can suffer from breast cancer. Under the appropriate hormonal stimulus, the hormonal stimulus that nature provides to human females when they become pregnant and give birth, the mammary glands of human males can also produce milk. The volume of milk produced will be small relative to the amount that a female can produce. The most common circumstance under which lactation is induced is when hormonal treatments are given to men suffering from prostate cancer. Female hormones are used to retard the production of cancerous prostate cancer, but the same hormones also stimulate the mammary glands.

    The phenomenon of male lactation occurs in some non-human species, and the lactating males may assist in the nursing of their infants. One species of fruit bat (Dyacopterus spadiceus) is notable for this reason. According to CBC Radio, spontaneous lactation and even nursing has occasionally been observed in humans[1].

    External Links


    1. Angier, Natalie; New York Times, February 24, 1994. Cr. J. Covey.
    2. Francis, Charles M., et al; "Lactation in Male Fruit Bats," Nature, 367:691, 1994.
    3. Fackelmann, K.A.; Science News, 145:148, 1994.)
    4. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine G.M. Gould and W.L. Pyle

    For some interesting, but not very scientific, examples of male (mammalian) lactation:




  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    For those of us that are lucky enough to have a women who likes to play with them.

  • shamus

    They're there, that's all. Why do you want to know? Don't you like them?

  • Vivamus

    So I can nibble on 'em.


    Blue Bubblegum Girl

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    During a TV docu-series on the biological differences between men and women, back in the late 70's or early 80's there was a segment called "This is 'Joe's' Breast"....just as Country Girl's very informative post points out, men can lactate and this is for the protection of the human species in the unfortunate case that the mother dies and there is a nursing infant. The nursing infant can be fed from the man's breast which can be stimulated to lactate and the baby can survive.

    Other than that, it's obviously a great "G" spot for many.

    Frannie B

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