After 12 yrs..contacted my old ex-witness pal!!!

by Huxley 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Huxley

    I was at a party on Christmas eve, and I met a girl who just happened to be visiting from Chicago. The subject of religion and common global religious myths came up. We talked for a long time about some books we had both read by Joseph Campbell about the power of myth. (Fascinating books btw..) Later I told her I was raised a jehovah's witness. She said she used to date a guy who was raised as a jehovah's witness.

    Long story short...she had dated my best friend from 12 years ago! We were both witness kids when he dissassociated and I hadn't heard from him since. She said she would email him with my info. She had a hard time believing that we were talking about the same guy, but she has no idea how small the dubby world is.

    As of today we have emailed several times, and we are totally catching up! I'm so excited I can hardly type.

    I never forgot my pal, and I shunned him like a good little witness kid when he left the church. It seems like life gives you few opportunities to apologize for things like that, but today he forgave me in his email.

    I'm on top of the world! Three cheers for serendipity!!

    Anyone else have a reuniting experience with an old friend that was a witness??


  • Special K
    Special K

    I had a best friend that I studied with and walked right to baptism..

    I left the WTS and was disfellowshipped... and always regretted having brought ones into the religion. The friend I had brought into the religion could no longer associate with me. (that was hard)

    10 years later.. I met up with my old friend who had to shun me when I was D'fd.. and guess what.. She no longer has anything to do with the religion either. It was great to talk with my friend again.. and we had some long, deep conversations about the whole thing..

    Sad.. that we both missed out on 10 years of our friendship..but glad we are now both out of it..and free to be good friends again.


    Special K

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    While I haven't hooked up with an ex-witness I've hooked up with a fading witness who is going to be my maid of honor at my wedding. She is doing a great job of fading and finally facing the fact that she'll get DFed eventually. So I'm going to be part of her new family that will love her regardless.

    We were KH friends as her parents wouldn't allow her to associate with someone like me, a life long refused baptism kind of girl.

  • Aztec

    Yup Huxley! I just posted about it a few days ago and finally got a return email from him last night. He was a good friend and I'm glad I found him. I'm positively giddy at the thought that we'll get to hang out again sometime soon. I'm happy for you!


  • Huxley

    That's so cool...what a great feeling to connect with old friends despite the lame-ass chains of shunning.

    I'm happy for all of you!


  • Odrade

    Yep, about 6 months ago I tracked down by best friend who left the org over 10 years ago. We chat all the time. happy, happy :) yay for you Hux!


  • Huxley

    Cool Odrade! 10 years is a long time...we all have so much catching up to do..



    Huxley: what a small world indeed it is.

    To this day, I would still.....forgive my dear friend in southern Maine. (ARB: if you are lurking.....I shall never forget you; fond memories, pm me if you are there). I know my former JW friend did what he did, because he felt that what he was doing was right. I don't hold it against him, and would do anything to talk to him again.

    Huxley, I'm thrilled to hear/read about this experience.

    It's always wonderful isn't it, when we're reunited with folks whom we really and truly admired back in our JW days/daze.

    To add, I'm equally pleased your friend was so understanding: of course he would be, he knew full well the mindset that JWs possess. He's probably extremely pleased you are on the 'other side'.

    Congratulations Huxley, this is great. Thanks for sharing.

  • Country_Woman

    I actually have no "old" JW friends , but I think it is great when you met some again .

  • Huxley

    Thanks for the kind words Rayzorblade and country woman. I find it incredible that a good friend could forgive a person for 10 yrs of shunning in a heartbeat, but....if I wanted to come back to the borganization, It would take them probably over a year before re-enstatement/forgiveness would occur.

    Screw them, I'll stick with reality!


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