"Weak People Become Jehovah's Witnesses"

by minimus 83 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Any questions to me----just have Little Witch answer them. We're on the same page on this one!

  • shamus

    This is an interesting question, really.

    I always thought, too, that only weak people who need a crutch need "the lie", like I did. I guess that's not always the case.

    Minimus, I must be blind... I did not see your personal views in here too much... I'll re read all 4 pages..

  • shamus


    I just re read the whole thing, and you only agree or disagree with everyone... kinda on the fence.

    I am not trying to attack you, although my post may appear to be otherwise... I think that people who come out of the Borg act like you a lot... just go by public opinion. I know I certainly did....

    I just find it fascinating is all.

    Really, Min, you did ask a question, and I think you need to answer your own question with your own words, not someone else's.

  • minimus

    Shamus, if I agree with someone then that's MY feeling on it. And if I disagree then THAT'S MY feeling on it. It's not being on the fence at all. Perhaps you want me to make an a black and white, absolute statement when, at times, this is not what I want to express. I was saying to the board that someone simply made the statement, "weak people become JWs". I tend to agree with that statement but not in every case. Believe me, your opinion or that of anyone else's is not going to make me have a position that I do believe in. I don't just "go by public opinion". Trust me, if I disagree with something, I'm never "on the fence". You will know......and I hope that answers your question.

  • plmkrzy
    My opinions were just that, opinions. I did not mean to offend by saying what I did.

    littlewitch, I was not offended at all by your comments but when I asked the question "What exactly IS a well grounded religous person?", I was being serious. I was trying to picture in my mind what you or anyone might consider a "well grounded" religous person.

    I can tell you what thousands of people would consider well grounded, based on TV ratings on Sunday mornings, however, I personally think some of the biggest quacks are among those "well grounded" folks with thier pink hair and limos.

  • astro_girl
  • astro_girl

    Hi Everyone!

    I'm a brand new member. I can't tell you all what a fantastic site this is and the enormous help your postings have given to me and countless other family members! My mother-in-law is a JW for about 48 years now. My brother is a moonie for 28 years. Ironically they both said the exact same thing when asked why they "joined" their religions. They said they felt suicidal and their religions had saved their lives. I believe they were extremely vulnerable and disillusioned with their lives. They were in a weakened state of mind and open for any solution that brought them out of this deep depression. My mother-in-law came from a household with a lot of prejudice and alcohol abuse. She claims the WT has helped her to overcome her hatred but I still hear her make slanted remarks all the time! My brother had just graduated college with a degree in psychology! He was raised Jewish, became an atheist and up to now is still a moonie. I think there is no real formula as to why or when a person is vulnerable to these cults. My husband was raised as a JW but left after the 1975 false prophecy. He said he was so frightened of burning up in Armageddon as were all his JW friends (they were teenagers back then and apparently didn't follow all the rules all of the time) that they had constant anxiety and stress. He left and never looked back. I'm so glad sites like this exist because you all have been so generous with your life experiences, you have saved many others from the same mind-controlled fate! Give yourselves big hugs!

  • medstudent

    Hi astro-girl,

    Welcome! I'm new around here too and have found the site very useful as well.

    For the question: i wouldn't call it weak, but people that tend to ask questions about the world join the JWs because they provide some answers, false ones in my opinion but they do play at those people in the fieldwork. They seek the desilusioned ones, people that just lost a beloved one etc. Somehow these people do lose their will to question everything when they join the JWs. So i wouldn't call it weak,but just people that need someone else to provide them with answers.


  • minimus

    Med and Astro----WELCOME!!!! Good to see you hear. (You must be strong).

  • shamus

    Answers my question Minmus... sorry for acting like such an ass. I get in moods sometimes...

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