"Weak People Become Jehovah's Witnesses"

by minimus 83 Replies latest jw friends

  • shamus


    A question to you.. why do you ask such silly questions? Another thing, you never even asked a question here... just made a statement.

    I think you should explain why you made this statement. What do you plan on finding out?

    Someone else asked you why, and you still haven't answered it. Now I really want to know.

  • minimus

    Shamus, I explained through this thread what my position is. Read the posts, silly. "What do you plan on finding out?" is what you asked. I don't think I had a plan on anything but I did want to know whether we agreed with that assessment . To make it easier for you, I'll say this: At times I do think the weak and vulnurable are most suseptible to becoming JWs, especially if they are not raised in the religion.

  • SM62
    I'll say this: At times I do think the weak and vulnurable are most suseptible to becoming JWs, especially if they are not raised in the religion.

    So......at other times, the independent-thinking, strong-willed, mature, educated and extremely intelligent ones are most susceptible.....is that what you mean?


  • minimus

    throw in the word "most" and that should explain my comment a little better...."At MOST times..."

  • SM62


    "At most times" makes it even worse! I know many people who became JWs as adults and they were most certainly not weak at the time. Just because a handful of people were feeling weak, wishy-washy, feeble-minded, flimsy-wimsy, flippy-floppy or whatever when they bacme JWs, don't tar us all with the same brush.

    I would say that the weak and vulnerable make up a sizeable minority of new JW converts, but no way are they the norm.


  • little witch
    little witch


    Firstly, I was speaking in generalities. I wasn't speaking on a personal level.

    I addressed the issue of how the witnesses intentionally seek out people who are not at their strongest.

    I am not saying that every person who ever joined was weak. But I do feel that most were.I repeat again, that weakness is a normal thing to feel for people at times.

    My opinions were just that, opinions. I did not mean to offend by saying what I did.

    To be honest, the congregation that I went to was founded by a bunch of uneducated, hillbilly types, and remains so to this day. I am sure things are different in bigger cities. I can only comment on what I saw from my prespective.

    On Thursdays, we had all the skits and talks about how to "get people". We were taught to look for weak, hurting people who had no experience with other religions. It was taught to us that educated people were to be avoided, as dangerous. On this sort of thing I base my opinion.

  • nilfun
    On a separate note, I read the posts about Larry Graham...I was a JW in the Oakland, CA area. I saw him and his family members regularly at conventions at the Oakland Coliseum. Never saw him 'whisked around' with an entourage, he would mill about just like everyone else and sat in the general seating like others. Maybe because he grew up in the bay area, he was more comfortable than in other cities where he had more of the 'starlike' quality.

    When he was espied at Dodger's, he wasn't being 'whisked around with an entourage'. He just looked liked like he was trying to get the hell up outta there, and a bunch of 'brothers and sisters' gave the appearance of mobbing him as they pursued him to his car, LoL.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Don't agree at all!

    Contrary to that opinion, I'd say that it takes serious guts and determination to reorganize your life to be totally different than mainstream society.


  • SM62

    Thank you DY - my thoughts exactly!


  • little witch
    little witch


    How is agreement to never speak your mind or worse, never doubt the men in brooklyn strength?

    It seems to me that a strong opiniated person would find that stiffling and easy.

    Giving up total controll of your life, even in areas of personal expression does not equate to strength to me. Just my two pennies.

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