Cranky Canadian Women & A Marriage of Convenience - Wanted ....

by Celtic 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • gypsywildone

    Mouthy is out, because I don't believe she has a cranky bone in her body.

    But, on the other hand, she is a hottie! Maybe there lurks a smoldering wild cat there, hiding :)

  • mouthy

    Well thank you gypsy((hug)) You bet I could Lee:).. But I notice celtic hasnt answered me?????could be no match for a limey!!! they are "cold lovers" ( walks away knowing I am going to start a flame war.) Well it is 21 below zero here today 31 with the chill factor I need a little heat ( wink

  • mouthy

    tap!tap! waiting!! waiting!! for the reply from Celtic ( heart pumping !!!heart pumping!!!!) What is that limey show called? "Waiting For God""""I think he must have run like the dickens,,,,,,

  • jgnat

    No worries, Mouthy. I bet he is sleeping. What is the time difference again?

  • shotgun


    BC is great don't ya know, you could marry a cranky man here, its legal. Sorry I'm not interested unless like orbison said your filthy rich.

  • Nosferatu


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Now Grace I remember correctly you have kept quite the accent yourself lol

  • mouthy

    Lee I know I talk like them -but I MARRIED a Canadian.... I knew a few Limey's ( ducking)

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Well you didn't lose the lovely lilt in your voice luv

  • mouthy

    Lee I pressed on Chat & it looks like I am in there but I cannot see anything can You get on it?

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