"Working" Interview, wish me luck!!!

by maybesbabies 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • maybesbabies

    Thanks Missy! Thank you Doc!!!

  • Ailla

    Careful not to smell like smoke when you go for the interview. They will smell it on you and question your integrity if you lie about smoking. Wear a nicotine patch for the day before and don't smoke. Then wash the smell out of your hair too.

    You could try using a patch at work to try and quit anyway.

  • SixofNine

    Best of luck. Sounds like a great bonus reason to quit smoking besides that whole enslaving, smelly, tooth staining, kiss compromising, costly habit that will slowly kill you thing.

  • DevonMcBride

    Good luck. Eat a mint about 15 minutes before the interview to hide the smell of cigarettes.


  • SheilaM

    Technically I don't believe they can force you to quite as long as you don't violate your terms of work. Sixy of course is right as usual (except that total non-fiction crap) about the bad side effect of smoking. Until you choose I say Febreeze baby Febreeze

  • maybesbabies

    LOL!! Thanks all!! I bought the breath mints, Febreeze, and the nicotine gum, just to cover any and all eventualities!!! Thank you all so much for the encouragement!!!!

  • seattleniceguy

    Hey Maybe,

    Great news about your interview! I'm sure you'll do great. My gut instinct is like the other posters - don't lie, just be cool and assure them it won't be a problem. Best of luck! Knock 'em dead!


  • micheal

    Good luck, hope all works out for you

  • Eyebrow2

    That's a bit wierd that they told you that you would have to quit when you started there...maybe they meant you couldn't smoke on the property..but they don't have the right to tell you the quit...

    well, at least it is a good incentive to help you quit, but even as a non smoker I find that odd....what other morals do they hvae that they will impose on you?

    Anyway...good luck with the interview.

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