Witnesses coming Saturday... I need HELP!!!!

by Globetrotter 113 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • kgfreeperson

    Sorry free willie, wasn't trying to be mysterious, just got really busy and haven't been back! An article was recently posted here from, I think, Awake! that was ranting about apostates and not reading material they give you and not listening to their questions or arguments, etc. It was striking to read how globetrotter conducted the conversation with the two elders and then to read the Awake! article. (I'm sorry--you know how fast the board moves, I have no idea what topic the article was posted in, but it must have been close to this one on January 13!)

  • FreeWilly

    Thats OK KG,

    Actually I was wondering if Globetrotter heard back from the Elders on the UN issue.

  • Globetrotter

    They were supposed to come back this morning but I called it off. I'm leaving for China on Monday morning. I'll be gone for a week and a half, and just have too much to do before I leave. Plus today is my daughter's 12th birthday, so I didn't want to take away from that. Anyway, they both were going to come back and talk about the UN. That they were willing to do that kinda surprises me, and leads me to think they will tow the party line and either rationalize it away with intellectual dishonesty or say it was misinformation. I also wanted to talk about what they are studying tomorrow... the Genesis 6:3 thing and how the 120 years marked the beginning of the end for people in Noah's time. WTF? Oh well.

    As far as wifey goes, it is still very tenuous. I want to believe that I have seen the slightest bit of true doubt in her eyes and statements, but I can't yet be sure. Time will tell. More important than that though is that my daughter is starting to come around.

    Back to packing..

  • archangel01

    Read them Matthew 28:18 "Then Jesus came to them and said, " All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me." Note that he said this not too long after his Resurrection.So ask the jw's what other power did he need in 1914? Make sure you have a Great Big Smile on your face because this really get's them everytime. Make sure you stress the word ALL and the time period when it was said !!!!!!!!

    Hope this helps. If you want I can mail you some booklets to you for free, which will help you witness to them! My e-mail is [email protected] so give me your address an I can send you some cool booklet's. I'm a Born-Again Christian.


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