If You Could've Said Something You Weren't Supposed To Say........

by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Enishi

    There were several times when I would hear elders say something utterly bigoted and stupid, and want to respond with "Do you like pain?" And then, when they turned to look at me, smack them upside their head.

  • blondie

    I have slipped in a comment here and there quoting from other WT publications to "clarify" a point in the WT study. The conductor just nods and tries to go to the next point. Usually, I "inspire" someone to expand on it during the next paragraph. One sister told me that her husband would only come on Sunday if he knew for sure I would be there. "She puts them on the hot seat." Well, may it's just a little warm. They were usually on the precipice already and just gave them a little nudge. It was either that or do anagrams.

    I remember once a few years ago, the WT conductor asked, "And what is the basis of our teaching?" I raised my hand, he called on me and I said, "The Bible." He looked at me, and said, "No, that's not it, does someone else have a comment." He called on his wife who said, "The Watchtower." I thought the PO was going to blow. He jumped up and waved his hand and finally grabbed the mike and said, "We base our teaching on the Bible although the Watchtower is Bible-based." The WT conductor turned bright red and glared at me as if I was the cause. After the meeting, the WT conductor came over and told me that I had made him look like a fool, just as the PO came up. "You don't need any help, brother," as they walked off into the little room.

    See, min, I was innocent.


  • minimus

    Blondie........Only you............Sphere, this elder sounded like an ass! Hmm, I wonder if he beats his kids like his daddy did? Stilla----You probably could've gotten away with it as long as you were an elder.....Blueblades, Alan's way too deep for me. If you start rationalizing all his comments, you're sure to become, at the least, agnostic.

  • Globetrotter

    BlueBlades, could you post a link to AlanF's discussion on the ransom sacrifice? I have searched but still haven't found it. Thanks!

  • minimus

    Here's what some of you lurkers might try at the meeting.....While giving a comment say this, "And we can be confident that Jehovah will bless all those that love him, whether they be in the truth or not"......OR...."Even though treating disfellowshipped persons is unloving, we know that God approves of it"....OR......"Even though we may not like all our brothers and sisters, we must still love them."

  • Blueblades

    Globetrotter,go to links to other jw related sites scroll down to Research on the Watchtower that will connect you to alan's articles,scroll down to the article on God's justice and the ransom.

    Blueblades, I don't know how to put the link here.

  • blondie
  • hornetsnest

    LOL, Blondie!

    I think you and I would have gotten along just fine!

    I've said a few things too. One in particular was when the Watchtower Conductor ran across the word "flatulence", looked up at the congregation with a big smile and asked, "What does that word mean?"

    I looked at him in astonishment, shrugged and thinking to myself that he'd asked for it, raised my hand. Everybody else was looking for a hole to crawl in. Sure enough, he called on me. "That's a fart." I chirped. He dang near fell off the stage.

    Then after I was DFed, I went to meetings and did most everything else just like I always did, as I didn't give a damn what their opinion was anyway. One pompous idiot of an elder (the same one that went running frantically out to my aged father wanting to know if I was going to bomb the Kingdom Hall) was making it a point to be real snooty every chance he got. I just smiled and bided my time.

    Finally, in a semi-public letter (2 congregations, the Society, 3 Circuit and 1 District Overseer) I recounted the experience I had in a Kingdom Hall back in Charlotte, NC when I went back to see my daughter and family. I was sitting about 2/3's of the way up towards the front on the aisle when an elder walked up beside me, dropped his hand to my shoulder and smiled real big when I looked up. "I hear that we're not supposed to speak to you." He said real friendly like.

    "Yup! That's about the case!" I grinned back.

    "Well, we wanted to let you know that we're glad to see you anyhow!" Then he gave my shoulder a squeeze and walked away.

    As I continued in the letter, "How I wish you could have experienced that and then came back to this congregation and have Br. XXX come sailing by with a hostile attitude and his nose so high in the air that it is in danger of frostbite! What a contrast!

    "I suppose that he thinks that he is inspiring me to come back into the congregation with this conduct, and he is, oh, yes! For every time he does it, it reminds me of the 400 lb. fat lady I saw waddling down the street in stretch pants in Southern California many years ago. In short, they are both ludicrous, hilarious, and equally inspiring."

    It's funny, but for some reason he's been as nice as pie ever since. ROTFLOL!!!

    Oh, by the way, both Alan F. and Farkel have been in dire need of a good enema for a long time now. (Please let them know I said this) I've been meaning to get to this little job for some time, but have been clear up to my rear in alligators and haven't had the chance yet. However, the Good Lord willin' and the creek don't rise, it won't be long now.


  • Blueblades

    Globetrotter,click on Blondie's link that she posted,it si the site you were asking for.

    Thanks Blondie!


  • minimus

    Lonewolf aka Hornetsnest, I think if you didn't say "fart" in the Kingdom Hall, you probably would not have ended up disfellowshipped. Maybe you would've gotten off on just a reproof.

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